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While that is correct, probably going back to Washington, I did pass a young woman (?) wearing next to nothing on 82st, walking past a help wanted sign listing $1000 sign on bonus for restaurant help. That probably $12-15hr. Unskilled labor.

There was a middle aged Latino woman who worked a fast food in Forest Grove where I got breakfast one morning. Later that same day I was in Tanasbourne and she was working at a different fast food window. People who really want it find a way. Not every lives down by the river throwing rocks at traffic.
Sadly we used to take care of the kooks like the one throwing rocks. Often some "tough love" and they learned to control themselves. Those who that did not work on were locked away so they and the public were both safe. Now they are encouraged to live like Ferrel animals and supported. Working real well as so many get to see. Pack a bunch of them up and move them to the places where law makers live and watch how fast they are stomped on. 🤬
If you lose your job, go through a divorce, etc, and can't afford shelter anymore the waiting list in Portland to join a shelter is almost two years. Think about that the next time you get angry about some guy in a tent. WTF is a guy in his 60s for example that can't get a job, and SS won't pay enough even for food and gas - what is he supposed to do?
I've always had a different view of 'bums' pushing a shopping cart. Always thought they are better prepared for what lies ahead than your average Joe. Been poor and been rich, but I have always had a hard time looking down on people less fortunate. Always thought in a perfect storm of bad circumstances, that could be me.
If you lose your job, go through a divorce, etc, and can't afford shelter anymore the waiting list in Portland to join a shelter is almost two years. Think about that the next time you get angry about some guy in a tent. WTF is a guy in his 60s for example that can't get a job, and SS won't pay enough even for food and gas - what is he supposed to do?
I've always had a different view of 'bums' pushing a shopping cart. Always thought they are better prepared for what lies ahead than your average Joe. Been poor and been rich, but I have always had a hard time looking down on people less fortunate. Always thought in a perfect storm of bad circumstances, that could be me.
If some guy was living in a tent and taking care of it that would be someone I would love to help. I have yet to see that. What I do see all over is people in a tent, piles of trash all around, used needles all over and some scum telling me they need more "free stuff". Sorry but I feel nothing but contempt for this.
If you lose your job, go through a divorce, etc, and can't afford shelter anymore the waiting list in Portland to join a shelter is almost two years. Think about that the next time you get angry about some guy in a tent. WTF is a guy in his 60s for example that can't get a job, and SS won't pay enough even for food and gas - what is he supposed to do?
I've always had a different view of 'bums' pushing a shopping cart. Always thought they are better prepared for what lies ahead than your average Joe. Been poor and been rich, but I have always had a hard time looking down on people less fortunate. Always thought in a perfect storm of bad circumstances, that could be me.
Living in a tent is not the issue. Bad behavior is the issue. There was a guy called the Professor, pushing a shopping cart around Forest Grove for decades. As far as I know no one messed with him because he never did anything to anyone. I haven't seen him for a while.
If you lose your job, go through a divorce, etc, and can't afford shelter anymore the waiting list in Portland to join a shelter is almost two years. Think about that the next time you get angry about some guy in a tent. WTF is a guy in his 60s for example that can't get a job, and SS won't pay enough even for food and gas - what is he supposed to do?
I'm with you on that. These people have to live somewhere! I was always aware these last 30 years or so that one semi catastrophic incident in my life and I could have been where so many are now. Would I have had what it takes to go from door to door asking for some work, for a few dollars? Man, once you pass that threshold of earning enough to live? After you lose your shelter? You shower, phone, and a place to cook your food and stay dry and warm? Can any of us really say that after a week, a month, a year of that, we would still be what/the "person", we were?
This city thinks building little shacks, 8'x8' "homes" they call them, will do anything for them. Their building one of these next door to the BiMart at 124 and Halsey. and patting themselves on the back for "Doing Something" about the homeless problem.

My problem is, my sympathy for the feral street people is nil these days. We have the same person, and a couple of others, within a block of my home, that have got to the point where the city (actually, Central City Concern) comes out and cleans up the HUGE toxic piles of needle spiked rubbish that formed over a three month period. That includes the tattered tents, broken down tent trailer and wrecked cars with no wheels or windows. Within a week the same guy is back with a different vehicle. And the rubbish starts to build. And the whole scenario starts over.
At this point, that guy is no longer a member of a civilized society. The city is of no use what so ever, and will never correct this problem with the current crew. I wish the guy would put us out of his misery, overdose and get it over with.
Maybe it's time for a ethnic cleansing party at these homeless encampments.
What we need is representatives that have a brain. The current crop of ferals that I described above are way past human mentality. Expecting those kinds to move into a little shack show how out of touch our public servants are. And the homeless they DO get to occupy those little shacks? Are then left there with little or no supervision or mental health care/re-training. While the reps that oversee it all walk away patting themselves on the back for a job done.
I'll ad some here. The little village that they're building next door to the Bimart at 122nd and Halsey has had petitions on their counters for months regarding the site. With hundreds of locals against it. The city is already building the shacks. As with other such places, the city will get people in the shacks, and walk away. And won't provide any held to stop shoplifting, stealing of catalytic converters or car break-ins.
I'll ad some here. The little village that they're building next door to the Bimart at 122nd and Halsey has had petitions on their counters for months regarding the site. With hundreds of locals against it. The city is already building the shacks. As with other such places, the city will get people in the shacks, and walk away. And won't provide any held to stop shoplifting, stealing of catalytic converters or car break-ins.

Most of these shacks are being built on the east side of town IIRC.
That should tell you what the bureaucrats think of the largest cross section of middle class folks in the city.
It's what folks voted for though...
I'll ad some here. The little village that they're building next door to the Bimart at 122nd and Halsey has had petitions on their counters for months regarding the site. With hundreds of locals against it. The city is already building the shacks. As with other such places, the city will get people in the shacks, and walk away. And won't provide any held to stop shoplifting, stealing of catalytic converters or car break-ins.
Making it easier to be homeless will never fix the homeless problem. When you get generations on Sec 8 housing or generations of welfare recipients it's clear that strategy isn't working. You have to build independence self-sustaining spirit into those who have lost it. If you are literally on US soil you have a gift that much of the world will die for. It's reasonable that people will "fall down" from time to time, my family carried me through a year of illness. But you can't stay down and demand someone do for you.
If some guy was living in a tent and taking care of it that would be someone I would love to help. I have yet to see that. What I do see all over is people in a tent, piles of trash all around, used needles all over and some scum telling me they need more "free stuff". Sorry but I feel nothing but contempt for this.
Bang. Being poor does not equate to being a filthy slob.
Bang. Being poor does not equate to being a filthy slob.
No. But losing your "Humanity" (maybe that's the wrong word?) How about "Humaneness", is the problem. These people must be caught/helped/guided, before they lose their humaneness. I have the feeling reaching people like the one I reference above is damn near impossible. And it looks like our current society will never force the feral homeless into a place to try and bring them back.

Most of these shacks are being built on the east side of town IIRC.
That should tell you what the bureaucrats think of the largest cross section of middle class folks in the city.
It's what folks voted for though...hey are
Dan Ryan is the one appointed to handle these so-called "Safe Rest Villages". There is one on NW Naito Parkway.
I don't see the one at 122nd and Halsey though? The old Multco sheriff's property at Burnside and 122nd is slated for one.

For the most part they're NE/SE. That's the forgotten and ignored parts of potland. Unless we're talking more affluent neighborhoods. They build these things and then ignore the behavior of their residents.
Bang. Being poor does not equate to being a filthy slob.
YEP!!!. In what seems another life ago I worked for years at a warehouse for cold food that had major rail line behind it. Used to be "hobo's" at a "camp" back there a lot. We used to throw away a lot of fresh chicken. Boxes would get damaged and we could not sell it, employee's got so much free it was tossed. I hated seeing it thrown out. One day had a 70# box. Went back there to find about 10 or so guys. Asked them if they wanted it. They were on that like no tomorrow. Soon had a fire going and a feast to them. The groups would move on, different people came and went. Couple "permanent residents" there started coming by in the morning offering to clean up around the front. All night while loading trucks we would push trash out one door. After done we had to go scoop it all up and haul it to the dumpster. These two took to cleaning the place up SPOTLESS. Took a broom, cleaned it up nice. So even if we had nothing to give them I would buy some stuff for them and give them a few bucks. There little "camp spot" was neat as could be. This was the life they chose to live, they did not live like animals.
Was homeless around twenty years old. Lived in a VW 1961 van with an buddy who STILL lives in it, back then with two dogs.
We often would go a few days w/o food, broke 'AF' as the kids say. Visited many CA beaches. All we had was my deceased father's Shell CC.

Perhaps that is why I've always had a soft spot for the homeless. No doubt - 90% are complete jerks. It is the 10% that really deserve a break. We were never jerks or slobs and always polite and considerate to others.

Funny that my friend's van is probably worth $120k now; one of those sought after models with all windows, forget the name.
He still craves the van life even though he's held down good jobs over the years.

If you ever feel like helping a homeless person out do it in person. Don't give to corporate charities. Most are horrible scams that enrich 'board members' and the like, not people in need.

Would love to tool up to my buddy in something like this (listed on Ebay now) 40 years later. Never have desired a giant McMansion, a wife or kids.
A prison. (haha).

Last Edited:
Was homeless around twenty years old. Lived in a VW 1961 van with an buddy who STILL lives in it, back then with two dogs.
We often would go a few days w/o food, broke 'AF' as the kids say. Visited many CA beaches. All we had was my deceased father's Shell CC.

Perhaps that is why I've always had a soft spot for the homeless. No doubt - 90% are complete jerks. It is the 10% that really deserve a break. We were never jerks or slobs and always polite and considerate to others.

Funny that my friend's van is probably worth $120k now; one of those sought after models with all windows, forget the name.
He still craves the van life even though he's held down good jobs over the years.

If you ever feel like helping a homeless person out do it in person. Don't give to corporate charities. Most are horrible scams that enrich 'board members' and the like, not people in need.

Maybe I am naĂŻve, but I think most of us would help out a genuine down on their luck person.
The difficulty these days is nearly all of them are scumbags living at the edge of a civilized society so they can victimize the rest of us to support their habits.

Unfortunately that has skewed my view. My field of f***s to give is now a barren wasteland. They can all eat a turd and die.
I get it BBQ. Back in my day after about a week with no food my friend went to a local church's charity dinner in Santa Barbara and stuffed himself full. I just couldn't go out of pride. Expecting him to brag about his meal he instead told me everyone there was an a--hole and an ingrate complainer. Like I said, no delusions here, <10% are worthy of any pity.
I get it BBQ. Back in my day after about a week with no food my friend went to a local church's charity dinner in Santa Barbara and stuffed himself full. I just couldn't go out of pride. Expecting him to brag about his meal he instead told me everyone there was an a--hole and an ingrate complainer. Like I said, no delusions here, <10% are worthy of any pity.
So how do I tell the decent ones from the bad ones? I've tried to help individuals a few times and I don't think a one of them was truly both interested in and capable of changing their circumstances. Many of them know what to say and how to say it, but don't mean it. I have no interest in helping lifetime bums. How do I identify someone truly down on their luck and determined to dig their way out?
So how do I tell the decent ones from the bad ones? I've tried to help individuals a few times and I don't think a one of them was truly both interested in and capable of changing their circumstances. Many of them know what to say and how to say it, but don't mean it. I have no interest in helping lifetime bums. How do I identify someone truly down on their luck and determined to dig their way out?
That sadly is becoming REAL hard at times. So damn many now are just scum. Certainly has to be a few people scattered among them who really want help. Often I guess trial and error?? Offer some "help" to one instead of cash and see how they react maybe? Even this of course not perfect but not sure what the hell to do. I guess one "tell" would be if the person is living in a vehicle or tent, simply look at how they are living. If the place they live is not strewn with trash/ drug paraphernalia then they might not be some doper who does not want to work?
I have learned the hard way, and at great expense, that some people can't be helped. No matter what you do, it's never enough.

I know a woman, 2 kids. One wirh autism, I have done everything in my power to help her gain her footing. Rent free home for months at a time, given her transportation, free.

Helped her and oldest son (22) get a job where they take home a combined 6K a month. Didn't save a dime whil living in a house I owned, free.

Almost a year later. Still living in a cheap motel.

Most recent, and last gift was a computer so she could do her taxes. (yes, I'm a sucker)

But I did notice there's no shortage of pot and wine. I've bought both her kids cloths a few times, over $1k each time.

Just saw her car broke down on the side of the road, of course I got a call complaining how she couldn't afford to fix it.
After explaing all this to her and pointing out how they bring home more than double my retirement I got off the phone.

Guess who is the selfish, unfeeling azz hole now?

I've been homeless twice now. I pulled myself out of it. I don't ask for help and rarely accept when offered.

I don't help anyone anymore. Advice, information, opinion. Thats it.

Things I no longer need are given to people that do need it. I've always been a generous, helpful man when I can be. It's in my nature. No more. Tired of being used and lied to.

Rant off.
Things I no longer need are given to people that do need it. I've always been a generous, helpful man when I can be. It's in my nature. No more. Tired of being used and lied to.

Rant off.
Sadly this is an all too common scenario. Best to not "give up" on all, I know easier said and all. :D
Wife and I both like to "help". I am MUCH faster than Wife to cut off a "lost cause". No problem helping, love to do so BUT, as soon as I see I am enabling rather than helping? I have no problem moving on. Wife often will go a lot longer till she throws in the towel. Every time she gets burned I tell her use it as a learning thing and move on.

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