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My ex-wife is from Iowa. I met her when I moved there in `93 to visit an old Navy buddy for the summer.

I was always under the impression that the Midwest was full of good ol' boy farmers and very conservative God-fearing folks.

And I met quite a few people like that and ended up living there for several years after marrying a red-headed princess.

But, I also met quite a few folks who the only gun they owned was a pump 12ga for pheasant and deer.

I also worked at the old Maytag plant in Newton, IA which is where I was introduced to union thugs and their hypocrisy. I was told that I needed to support Democrat politicians because they protected the union and it's workers.

I argued for hours with my union co-workers that the very Democrats that they were voting for were philosophically opposed to the very things they held dear to their hearts such as hunting, gun rights, hot rodding, and property rights. Despite giving several examples of how the people they were blindly voting for were actively trying to restrict their rights, I could not get through their thick skulls.

It was maddening.

I eventually could not take the awful weather, the smell, the lack of wilderness, and the frankly weird and ignorant people and moved my wife and kids back to Idaho and eventually Arizona.

And that Maytag plant and the company was sold to Whirlpool and shut down. All of those idiot union people lost their jobs, and apparently still vote for Democrats.

Found out today on another gun forum that Iowa passed a law that required citizens to get a permit from their local law enforcement agency to buy any handgun.

Purchase of Firearms-Iowa – Firearms

America's Heartland, my rear-end...

I think the last holdouts of real Americans will be in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and some Southern states.
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I piddle on tha states that have forgotten who they are. Waterfalls of tha piddle.
Iowa was one of the last states to get CCW of any kind, IIRC; they, Illinois and 3-4 other Commie Corn Kingdoms in the Upper Midwest.

It's unbelievable... New replies to the thread and one guy from PA says people shouldn't get upset because if you have a CCW, then you don't need to apply for a purchase permit (I'm translating, because the spelling and grammar is that bad...), then the Iowa guy quotes him and agrees that it's no big deal.


These are both active members on a gun forum.

They are the reason that WA passed I-1639, because there are people out there that consider themselves gun owners and Americans that are so brainwashed and emasculated that they think having to get a special permit in order to buy a handgun, in a freaking tiny town in Iowa, is "no big deal"...

People like this make me weep for America and what it has become.
In the late 90's to after 2002, there were SEVEN - 7 TOP ANTI CCW STATES and I used to rattle them off all over the WWWeb, at pro gun rallies, in letters, on some radio shows, and on various gun and political forums.

I did this UP at Camp Perry (Ohio) with lawmakers - face to face at their annual CP shooting events. I was nice, I knew some of the R lawmakers from specific counties including my own, but they told ME POINT BLANK that if specific LE groups did not want it - it would NEVER PASS while Republican Governor Taft - Ohio was IN office.

They were SEVERAL states in the Midwest - WI (?) too, in NV (?), AZ (?), New Mexico (?) and some other Western and/or South Western states that I was shocked at not having CCW. MY memory is not clear here so please do not hold me being 100% accurate. Thank you.

I do apologize because I no longer have my old notes on this issue but I used to know ALL about anti CCW states! I even had QUOTES FROM POLITICIANS and LAW ENFORCEMENT on the anti ccw issue this from those states. The Sheriffs and SD deputies wanted this for many of these states including in Ohio. I had and still have very close friends in the SD and I knew a bunch of policemen from my old indoor and outdoor ranges. Not just old LE friends form the East Coast.

I remember the time frame from the late 90's and on because I started to shoot and buy my own guns in the late 90's. I moved from the East Coast and lived in a VERY rural county, in the boonies, a few miles away from a tiny village in farm/lake country in Ohio. I built a house there with my late husband after his USN - Vietnam and around the world service time. After my late Mom died of cancer in MD too. I lived there for over 30 years. It was my late husband's state from the age of 7 or 8 years old. I was born and raised on the East Coast.

A Republican Governor in Ohio (TAFT) always promised CCW for the citizens and he kept saying that HE WOULD GIVE IT TO THEM. Sign the law. But later on, he said that he would do it if only the FOP and the Ohio Highway Patrol Wanted It. The FOP and the OHP did NOT want it. So it never passed for years and years.

Several years (How many - I do not remember now - sorry.) after the Summer of 2002, a DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR signed CCW into law. I know it was after my late husband died, after I moved away from there and, NO, I did not move for 'gun rights' or CCW alone.

So just because a R says something or a so called pro gun conservative (?!?) says something... do NOT count on it. This has been proven over and over again INCLUDING when the NRA endorses some candidates when they have a CLEAR RECORD of doing x, y or z which goes against the SECOND AMEMDMENT.

We already know the other side (D) too.

Unless, I go back and look at the dates of passage - CCW laws for each state - specifically the TOP 7 anti ccw states... I can't put it up here. My memory on those top 7 states is uncertain for some of them. I do KNOW what I fought for when I lived there and it passed after I moved.

Many states do NOT honor Montana's permit but we sure HONOR THEM. WA and OR do not honor MT yet we honor them. ID has 2 types of permit, now, the last time that I checked.

I told my husband if they do not honor MT's permit - we should tell them to get screwed!

Many other states have changed who they honor - back and forth - so you can't always check a ONLINE SITE or a book, even a newer one, unless you go straight to the .gov state site. A lot has changed there with their flip flopping gun laws and this has happened in many states across this nation.

WY has a different law for open or conceal carry from what I remember it to be. That shocked me a few months ago too. Some small town police did NOT like or want open carry and that included some in rural areas.

There are places in Montana that even my own MT born/raised husband was shocked at when it came to CONCEAL and open carry where GUN LAWS were changed, stated that they were always that WAY but they were NOT that way and NO signs were put up. We are having a fight, rather a discussion, about these LAWS with our lawmakers in the state capitol about confusion about these laws as if every small town, rural pathway, cities, parks, etc. can act willy nilly not just in LIBERAL, gag, run cities where you have NO choice in candidates. BUT we can't count on our MT D Governor B. signing it even if it passes. So we would be __ out of luck there.

Plus the MONTANA D. GOVERNOR has come out strong in his anti gun views about specific guns, magazine capacities, etc. and HE HAS BEEN ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, he wants to run for president, and his statements about GUN rights in the year that he got elected again changed in ONE YEAR or LESS on all of his anti gun views. FACT!

There were MANY CANDIDATES in MT with strong anti gun views, they denied it but it was right in your face with their words, website, etc. and, in fact, many of them are IN the Mayor group (MAIG) with Bloomberg and in other BLOOMBERG groups too. Furthermore, the Democrat MT Governor B. has been all over national news, papers, radio, boob tube, interviews, etc. with supporting almost ALL or all of the D views on gun issues.

We even have the MT kids writing gun laws and talking at our state capitol like the WA and/or OR kids did. It was on Mpan recently - we are in session now. I watched ALL of the gun stuff and more issues live and in the wee hours of the morning - repeated shows and ONLINE too. THE ANTI GUNNER CROWD has us outnumbered at the state capitol and in other places. Including doing illegal things in our cities - city council gun laws. ILLEGAL = ANTI MONTANA CONSTITUTION.

Our own MT Republican AG Fox who is running for governor has NOT helped us shy of one letter. The Missoula Judge ruled in favor of our city council. NO citizen vote - nothing yet we had a LOT of people show up even though we are normally out numbered.

ALL or most of the National, state and local Ds support each other and STAND TOGETHER in gun issues NOW. IT is a huge force to contend with.

Many of the Rs stand with the Ds or close to it.

So where is the GUN law for a national ccw deal or reciprocity?

WHY are the Ds and the Rs in specific states signing all of these new gun laws?

Age limits?!

If you are OLD ENOUGH to SERVE and FIGHT for your country, vote, sign a contract, work, pay your bills, drive, etc. - you should be able to buy a RIFLE, SHOTGUN or a HANDGUN in my not so humble opinion.

There should be NO CCW requirement laws. But if that is the 'law' of this land - WHERE IS THE NATIONAL CARRY LAW so you don't have to worry about breaking the law in a Podunk BFE small town, on a rural road, on a busy interstate highway, in a large city, etc. and constantly have to check the GUN laws, empty/unload a revolver, empty/unload a pistol, a rifle, a shotgun, any firearm magazine, move the gun away from your body, lock it up, separate the gun and ammo, etc.?!

My opinion? It should be LEGAL to open or conceal handguns and knives of any length without getting permission from the Nanny State. But that will not happen in my lifetime.

There has been more garbage (GUN laws.) passed in so called, ahem, free states and in other states in the last few years too.

So don't count on specific states because things happened and MAY still happen in places where they (Free - pro gun citizens of specific states.) said it would NEVER, EVER, EVER HAPPEN.

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If memory serves, the holdouts were Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska.

Yes, you may be right there, add in Ohio, and the rest of the TOP 7 states were in the SW.

Dang, this is bugging me now on those Southwestern states now.

It depends on where in Iowa you are.
College towns and big city types, lotsa love for Hillary and Co.
Small town= majority I've met are the finest folks you could ever hope to meet.

There are pro gun and anti gun people in all states and towns.

Good and bad in all people too.


You were talking about how you see/read/hear some 'gun people' on various forums.

There are gun owners who have stated on some gun forums, not here, that they LIKE THEIR GUN CONTROL LAWS and they elect people who want more gun control. That includes a CT lawmaker who lied about his military service too. Vietnam and more.

Some of them moderate and are not just members of gun forums too.

One guy said that he not only liked his gun laws but he LIKED that a person could NOT LEAVE his house with a GUN and AMMO to go to the range or to any place unless he had his special gun permit card that said that he could leave his house with a gun and ammo and not be breaking the law. And no, this man was NOT from NYC or NY state. NY state is fairly pro gun and there ARE people in NYC that are pro gun but they get out voted too.

And let us not forget that it was a D Senator (Baucus) from the State of Montana that cast the FINAL VOTE (November 1993) for the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban years ago. I thought that it was him and my MT husband said that it was him.

U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 103rd Congress - 1st Session

There are actually many gun forums where you have people who talk about gun rights and freedom but they get shut down pretty quick or are NOT allowed to have any type of discussion about gun laws or gun rights.

YET... they 'allow' the anti gun state people and anti gun country people DISCUSS and point out their VERY RESTRICTIVE GUN LAWS with no problem. Fact.

Yet, some old Texas man can come on and get upset about the RED FLAG LAWS that he just read or heard about and they shut him down and delete it all. Plus tell him point blank that NO gun laws can be discussed because it is 'political'. Well, NO s - gun laws ARE political yet they ALLOW THE ANTI GUN STATE people go on and on about their gun laws. I have SEEN THIS up close and personal and not just on 1, 2 or more forums.

Figure that one out. More to say, sigh, but one thing is clear to me. Some gun owners can be more of an enemy to one another than any IN YOUR FACE anti gun person.

Some of them eat their own.

Good shooting to you.

The red flag laws are about disarmament. Instead of disarming all gun owners at once with a statewide ban, just enable the Anti-Gunners to file a one-sentence declaration in court stating that they believe the neighbor is dangerous. Then make it impossible for the gun owner to get the gun back. A gun ban one person at a time. How long until the Democrats start paying "canvassers" to start cranking out these court filings like they do for voter registration and ballot measures?
The red flag laws are about disarmament. Instead of disarming all gun owners at once with a statewide ban, just enable the Anti-Gunners to file a one-sentence declaration in court stating that they believe the neighbor is dangerous. Then make it impossible for the gun owner to get the gun back. A gun ban one person at a time. How long until the Democrats start paying "canvassers" to start cranking out these court filings like they do for voter registration and ballot measures?
A disturbingly plausible theory... hence my suggestion that anyone who supports Red Flag laws should receive them FIRST.

When In Doubt, Dime 'Em Out!
For many decades, being union, and toeing the union line, was a religion with union members, regardless of what the union said. The union could do no wrong. Still is for some people. Same for some people with political parties. Same is true for the current POTUS.

BTW - what happened to the GOP giving us reciprocity? The HPA?

Yeah - nothing that's what. They got into office and and nothing.

Oh wait, here's something:

GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham says Judiciary Committee will hold gun control hearing March 26

Graham wants red flag laws nationally. That's not what the GOP promised.

The SCOTUS will save us now? Really? When? I haven't seen anything go thru there recently. Strike down the bumpstock ban? Nothing.

When are people going to wake up? The GOP is no better than the dems.:mad:
My older brother grew up around guns, hunting, shooting, retired from the military and moved to Iowa. He married a German girl while stationd in Grafindorf (spl) and up untill 4 years ago was a liberal, his wife allowed no guns in her household....
4 years ago my oldest brother and myself turned him away from liberalism, Hell we even got him to vote for Trump.:eek::eek::eek::p Iowa is definitely a different place.
His wife is still a stick-in-the-mud on that point so I don't think there's anything that we could say or do to ever get her to change her way of thinking.
My ex-wife is from Iowa. I met her when I moved there in `93 to visit an old Navy buddy for the summer.

I was always under the impression that the Midwest was full of good ol' boy farmers and very conservative God-fearing folks.

And I met quite a few people like that and ended up living there for several years after marrying a red-headed princess.

But, I also met quite a few folks who the only gun they owned was a pump 12ga for pheasant and deer.

I also worked at the old Maytag plant in Newton, IA which is where I was introduced to union thugs and their hypocrisy. I was told that I needed to support Democrat politicians because they protected the union and it's workers.

I argued for hours with my union co-workers that the very Democrats that they were voting for were philosophically opposed to the very things they held dear to their hearts such as hunting, gun rights, hot rodding, and property rights. Despite giving several examples of how the people they were blindly voting for were actively trying to restrict their rights, I could not get through their thick skulls.

It was maddening.

I eventually could not take the awful weather, the smell, the lack of wilderness, and the frankly weird and ignorant people and moved my wife and kids back to Idaho and eventually Arizona.

And that Maytag plant and the company was sold to Whirlpool and shut down. All of those idiot union people lost their jobs, and apparently still vote for Democrats.

Found out today on another gun forum that Iowa passed a law that required citizens to get a permit from their local law enforcement agency to buy any handgun.

Purchase of Firearms-Iowa – Firearms

America's Heartland, my rear-end...

I think the last holdouts of real Americans will be in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and some Southern states.

I was there for a few years. The handgun permit has been law for decades. The permit is good for a year with no limit on number of purchases. Show the permit and the money. Is required for private party sales too. But at the time, it acted as a good-for-a-year background check.

I had a good friend who was the union steward for a plant there. She was also chairwoman of the county GOP central committee. Now you have me wondering how things turned out for her.
I was there for a few years. The handgun permit has been law for decades.
Decades? It wasn't when I lived there first from 1993 to 1998. And again from 2004 to 2006. I bought my first concealed carry gun in 1994 from a WalMart in Grinnell. No permit required. Didn't buy any guns there in 2004 to 2006, so who knows.

I've searched all over the internet and can't find any reference to when it was put into law. I found a brief reference to a Governor Carver standardizing the permit process in 2010, and they got concealed carry in 2011.

In any case, no one should think that having to pay $50 to have the local sheriff or police chief decide whether or not you can buy a handgun for protection is reasonable or not an infringement on your 2nd amendment rights.
Decades? It wasn't when I lived there first from 1993 to 1998. And again from 2004 to 2006. I bought my first concealed carry gun in 1994 from a WalMart in Grinnell. No permit required. Didn't buy any guns there in 2004 to 2006, so who knows.

I've searched all over the internet and can't find any reference to when it was put into law. I found a brief reference to a Governor Carver standardizing the permit process in 2010, and they got concealed carry in 2011.

In any case, no one should think that having to pay $50 to have the local sheriff or police chief decide whether or not you can buy a handgun for protection is reasonable or not an infringement on your 2nd amendment rights.

Curious. Perhaps it was a county law? It applied to purchase of handguns, but not rifles. Good for a year, no limit. I remember its existence in the 90's, but you mention you didn't encounter it in Grinnell. Maybe the state liked the county law enough that they adopted it for the state. What I could find recently on state law is a permit to purchase a handgun going back to 2009 on an Iowa legal site.

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