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No, no, no....

It's easier for teens to get a Glock than to get a book...

Seriously mr. president? Just who truely belives these lies and rhetoric? It's time for you to go...

Hold on, what are those places that let everyone (regardless of age) read and borrow books for free? You know, every school has them and almost every town has at least one of them............ Oh yeah, libraries. What's easier than going to the library?

So, where are these places that let you do what a library does, but this with Glocks? I need to go get myself a card.

Hold on, what are those places that let everyone (regardless of age) read and borrow books for free? You know, every school has them and almost every town has at least one of them............ Oh yeah, libraries. What's easier than going to the library?

So, where are these places that let you do what a library does, but this with Glocks? I need to go get myself a card.

Perhaps the president was referring to his beloved Chicago... Perhaps they have such facilities there...

Interesting he does want his children to attend schools in Chicago, isn't it?

They all create these cesspools, but then they don't want their familes to live there, how is that?
I wonder just how easy Obummer's Blackmarket guns are to get? I also wonder how much a "clean" one would cost? Hummmmm If I were looking for a decent clean Glock, I bet it wold cost at least double or triple what a normal one would, and the mags? Ammo? how does one go about getting them? Or is it a One stop mobile gun shop:eek: Lets have a look see, I want an AK-47 full auto, Wonder how much that's going to set me back? One of the evil scary black M-16's with the switch? Just where does Obummer think these are coming from? AND, how can/do the street thugs afford them? I wonder how many come across the borders of Mexico, or across the pond from Africa? Maybe we need to have a look see and find out where Obummers blackmarket guns are really coming from:mad::mad::mad:
Calling Obama's propaganda specious would be a stretch.

"But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success."- Adolph Hitler.

CNN keeps repeating this section of Obama's speech given at today's police memorial in Dallas, where he lists the social causes for violence in America. And once again, he blames the easy availability of guns as being a major contributing factor, stating that it is "easier for a teenager to get his hands on a Glock, than it is to get his hands on a computer or a book".

His comments about guns starts at the 1 minute 9 second point in the video:


Then maybe he should stop pushing them. He is the greatest gun sale promoter ever! That speech made me want to run out and get a new gun before its too late.
I wonder just how easy Obummer's Blackmarket guns are to get? I also wonder how much a "clean" one would cost? Hummmmm If I were looking for a decent clean Glock, I bet it wold cost at least double or triple what a normal one would, and the mags? Ammo? how does one go about getting them? Or is it a One stop mobile gun shop:eek: Lets have a look see, I want an AK-47 full auto, Wonder how much that's going to set me back? One of the evil scary black M-16's with the switch? Just where does Obummer think these are coming from? AND, how can/do the street thugs afford them? I wonder how many come across the borders of Mexico, or across the pond from Africa? Maybe we need to have a look see and find out where Obummers blackmarket guns are really coming from:mad::mad::mad:

If you really want a full auto under the table, just talk to a PDRK senator, they used to get them from the Philippines.

Calling Obama's propaganda specious would be a stretch.

"But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success."- Adolph Hitler.


Yep, that was clearly the source of Obama's ideology:


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