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This is an interesting analysis to watch (52 minutes long but worth the watch). I would like to believe that most of this would be true but not sure things would play out this way. In my view, the determining factor would be at what point in time would a civil war "start"?

After all guns are confiscated or well before... would completely change what is stated in the video.

[edited to remove video]

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One huge thing left out.

If we, the United States, go to war with each other. The rest of the world will go to war with the US.

We will not only be fighting ourselves if something like this were to happen. Our coasts and likely the southern boarder will most certainly be invaded by foreign entities.
One huge thing left out.

If we, the United States, go to war with each other. The rest of the world will go to war with the US.

We will not only be fighting ourselves if something like this were to happen. Our coasts and likely the southern boarder will most certainly be invaded by foreign entities.
Could very likely be a scenario; strike when the country is already at a very volatile state within itself. Could get complex very quickly.
One huge thing left out.

If we, the United States, go to war with each other. The rest of the world will go to war with the US.

We will not only be fighting ourselves if something like this were to happen. Our coasts and likely the southern boarder will most certainly be invaded by foreign entities.

You may be right. But I don't know?

We are pretty stupid consumers. And take on a great amount of debt for other countries to purchase. o_O
I would guarantee that foreign invasion would occur to one extent or the other. The US has sat on natural resources for its entire existence and bullied other nations to use theirs first. The other guys would be salivating at an excuse to "help" states defend themselves against the failing nation. That or down right take it as an opportunity to invade.

Unless nuclear war takes place.

If nukes are involved to curb invasion, our little civil war won't even be the worst thing to deal with.

In reality, if things truly start getting bad. I see states leaving the union through political might or war. This again creates opportunities for foreign entities to unite with certain states or factions.
Everybody loses and the survivors will need to fend off whatever opportunists want to take advantage in the aftermath.
Civil war? Lol, not unless Facebook goes down, EBT ends or the NFL goes on strike. Most people couldn't hike 5 miles up hill to save their life.
Thoughts........... ????????? How many people here on just this forum are going to "give up" thier arms if any agent of the state comes to collect them? I'm guessing pretty near zero. No one is coming to your home to collect your arms, it won't go down that way because it would incite the exact scenario described in the OP.

The fight for rights is a long term struggle and public opinion matters. As a result of 1639 there is a "legal definition" of "assault rifle" the long term legislative agenda will be to ban said rifles and make mere possesion a felony. Now how many of you will turn in your so called "assault rifles" for fear of being incarcerated? Not as near a zero number i suspect. We must strive to use the tools the framers gave us and avoid the balkinization of these United States.

I for one am willing to take that risk and have had a similar conversation with my loved ones. If conflict should come it would not be welcome but I will be out front as I am sure many people here will be. This is just as important to discuss as emergency preparations for other unexpected life events. If you have a plan you are farther ahead than most of the population.

My thoughts with regard to the video is claptrap , mostly propaganda designed to generate hysteria. If the information and data is verifiable or published I might eat some crow.

Keep your powder dry.

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One huge thing left out.

If we, the United States, go to war with each other. The rest of the world will go to war with the US.

We will not only be fighting ourselves if something like this were to happen. Our coasts and likely the southern boarder will most certainly be invaded by foreign entities.

If the left is losing there might be some socialist countries that join in the fight to push their interests into the US and turn the tide of the civil war.

It always happens that way. Another country comes to to influence and gain control in that country.
Here's another take on it:

We're already engaged in a "civil war"...

Moderators, just a tad of latitude on this one, please...

Is not the right pitted against the left, Republicans against Democrats, conservatives against liberals/socialists, legislators against the tax payers, elitist billionaires against the working man? I submit that we are in the midst of a civil war, that's deepening...

As for invasion by a foreign power... Folks wake up, look around, it's been going on for over 30 years in the form of illegal immigration...
I would guarantee that foreign invasion would occur to one extent or the other
But the bigger question is "on whose side?" The video posits that Russia would be more than willing to side with the American rebels/patriots be it through arms and equipment smuggling, training, or the like, and because it would be in their interest to become the "savior of the American People" (talk about delusions....on the other hand, free AKMs and RPGs, and T-90 tanks? Oooh MiGs and Sukhois?? )
China would be more likely to try economic warfare first before doing military warfare, because they hold a lot of U.S. debt.
Other nations are less willing, unless supported by Cuba, China, or Russia, and going up from Mexico as opposed to the seas.
As one of the largest economic powers in the global economy, a civil war in America is guaranteed to kick off a global war over debts and resources with every large economy collapsing due to being tied to the US Petrol Dollars and tied to US debt.
I submit that we are in the midst of a civil war, that's deepening...
A Cold civil war? I agree. When does it become hot, and thus violent? Thats the big question... as the video's ending says. ..its not in the interests of the Govt (and others) to light the long smoldering fuse... but if it does... we might see 5 distinct zones of States of America, by being balkanized...
Well you know, when in doubt...wolverines!


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