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This man is advocating for the genocide of gun owners. Oh yes, he is also now going to run for President of the USA. After reading articles of his interviews and speeches, I am convinced this tyrant cares more about fulfilling his agenda of a "gun free America" than starting a second civil war in this country.

When Infowars' Joe Biggs pressed the congressman on what would happen, Swalwell took the bait. "So basically [Eric Swalwell] wants a war," Biggs tweeted. "Because that's what you would get. You're outta your f**king mind if you think I'll give up my rights and give the gov all the power."

Rather than remaining silent, Swalwell took the bait and confirmed conservatives' fears. Smarter Democrats would refuse to respond, because there is no good response. Instead, this congressman tweeted, "And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they're legit. I'm sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities."

And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they're legit. I'm sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.

— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) November 16, 2018

He basically says that the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with self-defense or gun ownership and its only purpose was to have a standing civilian army in a time of war. Of course, he will purposely omit the phrase, "THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS WILL NOT BE INFRINGED!" Despite several articles by our Founding Fathers that definitely emphasize an already obvious statement, he insists that is the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR AN ARMY. Why do such "educated" people suddenly act so blatantly imbecilic? Obviously, this false interpretation of the 2nd Amendment has been debunked by historical scholars and even linguistic scholars (including those who wish to repeal the 2nd Amendment), but that doesn't stop this fascist tyrant from trying to manipulate and change the Constitution to his liking.

He also stated that free speech is not unlimited, which can also be dangerously modified. Of course, these statements were meant to back his illogical manipulation of the 2nd Amendment, but why would he stop there once he has the power? What if he feels that Jews need to stop practicing their religion because they control the government with their "Benjamins" and are killing innocent Muslims as the very dangerous, Nazi-ideologically backed congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, has emphasized in many of her speeches? What if they suddenly tell you that certain types of Christianity are too dangerous to practice? Shouting fire maliciously in a movie theater is not free speech at all, because it is an action and it is not even worthy of a reference. Free speech means the freedom to speak your beliefs without fear of retribution from the either other people or the government. Once again, the "educated" politician acts like a 3rd grader in his interpretation of the Bill of Rights and what these rights are emphasizing. Of course, this human parasite knows exactly why they are manipulating such interpretations and it is with malicious intent.

Rep. Eric Swalwell, Who Threatened to Nuke Gun Owners, Is Running for President... on Gun Control

Eric Swalwell: U.S. Needs Australian, New Zealand-Style Gun Control

Anyhow, what this fascist tyrant is advocating is that 2nd Amendment is not a right. He states that all "military-style" semi-automatic firearms, which is basically all semi-automatic firearms once the Assault Weapon Ban proposal will be made, need to be forcefully seized and destroyed. He states that anyone who refuses to relinquish their gun will be put in prison for many years and obviously anyone who resists going to prison will be shot dead, along with their families. Obviously, if a person will not give up their guns, it means that law enforcement or the military will have to forcefully disarm the resistant households, which usually means to inflict lethal force on the entire household.

Basically, what he wants is pretty much on par with what many other Democrats now are advocating. He is declaring war on the American people and he is a traitor and a tyrant in my book. If this man was to become President or any others with such dangerous ideologies, what would be the state of AMerica? He pretty much assumes that our military and police will comply for fear of being incarcerated and punished themselves. Will 100,000,000 gun owners be willing to quietly comply and submit to the power, authority and be obedient to the state?

I just want to say as a grandson of a woman whose village was massacred by government agents who are essentially of the same mindset as Eric Swalwell, I think it would be much better to resist and not relinquish my guns. In fact, my life is not so wonderful today , but the one thing I do cherish is that I am a free citizen comparatively speaking. Considering the Nazis forced my relatives to give up their guns and then later mass murdered many of them, do I really trust the government over my fellow AMerican citizens? HELL NO.. Government has committed more mass shootings and genocides in the last 5 decades than all Americans with AR-15s combined in the history of the Earth. So, these Democrats want to declare war on a large contingent of American people over a small amount of shootings that kill less people than texting and driving kill each month? This is ludicrous.

And yet, this scumbag says people can keep their handguns, shotguns, long guns, etc. Ironically, handguns and shotguns kill more people every year than AR-15s. But, let me tell you, once they confiscate all your semi automatic rifles. The next time some nutjob shoots up somewhere with his pistol or shotgun or bolt rifle, they will come and confiscate all those too. And, since they pick and choose which parts of Bill of Rights are enforceable , when they deem your version of Jewish, Christian or Hinduism is too dangerous, they will ban that too and have "sensible" restrictions on worship. This is how fascism starts and it is scary that we must live in times like these.

Eric Swalwell is a modern day Nazi.. He wants to kill you, your families and strip you of your freedom. This psycho went as far to make a joke that gun owners will never defeat the American military because we have nuclear weapons. :eek: WTF???? I mean nuclear weapons are only a feasible means of defense against a foreign enemy, not one within your own borders. Hey psycho politician, you do realize the 2nd AMendment is valuable because it gives the citizens a chance and your nuclear weapons are pretty much worthless! But, that is what angers fascist politicians that the citizens have a means to stand up and defend themselves against tyrants like him. Evil leaders like Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Zedong, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Nicolas Maduro, Ayatollah Khamenei and even Vladmir Putin are powerful men who controlled their countries with iron fists and oppressed any opposition. How did these men solidify such power? It was because they had an authoritarian system of governance that worked in a way to empower themselves and pretty much emasculate their population and make it impossible for them to rise up against tyrannical laws.

This is what they want for America.. In Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Venezuela, etc the governments, drug lords, guerillas and powerful gangs are heavily armed and oppress the people. Is it any mystery that these Democrat tyrants embrace these governments? This is the America they dream about.
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On the plus side, Swallowwell is a California democrat, so while his crap sells locally, it doesn't do well in the mass market.
He's just another California Anti-gunner egomaniac.
Nothing to see here.
I wouldn't dismiss gun confiscation as some type of California fringe policy that is not popular around the country. In fact, a good majority of Democrats are now advocating for gun confiscation, including the Communist Bernie Sanders (perhaps much larger threat than Eric Swalwell and looks to be the Dem frontrunner), Kamala Harris, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, the Islamist Ilhan Omar, etc.

What is scary about this National Socialist type of politician is that he tries to put on that clean, cut smiley face yuppie American Joe, but is really Adolf Hitler in a button down shirt and khakis. He has a deep hatred for the Constitution and gun owners and wants a society where the government has ultimate control and authority. This scumbag went as far as saying how the American military will defeat the gun owners of AMerica and even would resort to nuclear weapons if necessary. And, these Democrats think Trump is a warmonger/nutjob? o_O This maniac said he wants to commit genocide against his own American people. I don't think he was even joking, but rather was educated a little bit about how naive and stupid he is. Another funny thing about these Communists/National Socialists (called Democrats now) is that they don't realize these soldiers and law enforcement officers go home at the end of the day and are civilians too; especially the military who have no special rights as civilians (unlike police). I'm assuming that when the time comes he would pretty much utilize NATO/UN type of military forces to help assist him with the gun confiscation as demanding our soldiers go around murdering "gun owners" means they have to go and murder their fathers, uncles, brothers, buddies and even themselves (since many of them own AR-15s too) would not be so popular with them. In fact, it could literally result in the first military coup in American history. But, Obama actually advocated that America join the EU and have a EU style military force in America. I wouldn't put it past this Authoritarian minded fascist. He may get very disappointed when he finds out aerial bombing and nuclear strikes on American soil are not a very good strategy to fight the 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 gun owners he thinks will "peacefully and obediently" hand in their guns, but then will refuse.

Oh, and we gun owners also have a new enemy who says he will be running against Trump as a Republican. It is none other than the former Republican Governor of Massachusetts, Bill "Gun Grabber' Weld".

Bill Weld officially announces he is challenging Trump for GOP nomination in 2020 - CNNPolitics

He may not be as supportive of forced gun confiscation or then again , maybe he will be o_O. He will be that "Republican" voice of reason as the fascists love to refer to it.
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The Anti-gunner gang will Foist upon us yet another unworthy candidate who'll be devoured by the sitting President. Look at the economy, unemployment, and especially manufacturing jobs...

Things stay like this or improve through next summer it's going to be hard for the Dims to get anything. Considering they're socialistic agenda and attack on gun rights at all levels of government. I suspect there'll be a reckoning coming their way...

Then four more years of crying and gnashing of teeth, trying to detail the sitting President... So sad and predictable...
The Anti-Gunner gang will Foist upon us yet another unworthy candidate who'll be devoured by the sitting President. Look at the economy, unemployment, and especially manufacturing jobs...

Things stay like this or improve through next summer it's going to be hard for the Dims to get anything. Considering they're socialistic agenda and attack on gun rights at all levels of government. I suspect there'll be a reckoning coming their way...

Then four more years of crying and gnashing of teeth, trying to detail the sitting President... So sad and predictable...

From Your Lips, to Gods Ears! Lets make it Rain!:cool:
Is it any small wonder that we have over 25 Democrats running against One Republican POTUS?:eek:
And, is it any wonder that ALL those Democrats represent the very worst in society?
What does that say about US? What does that say about american voters?

As @nammac says, there is an awakening taking place, the Sheeple are starting to see the true agenda and are not happy!

Wouldn't it be something if Trump could actually win in 2020 against all those Dems?
Talk about a melt down among snowflakes!
Wouldn't it be something if Trump could actually win in 2020 against all those Dems?
Talk about a melt down among snowflakes!
It's coming Brother, it's coming...

Trump took down everyone of his opponents last time, and now we have lower taxes, a roaring economy, factory jobs, record low unemployment and soon a secure border...

The opposing party will run Bernie, Beto, perhaps dredge up HRC, Booker (Spartacus) or Harris... It'll look like Regan's landslide victory all over again. They'll take the House and the Senate too. Then the R's dang well better make good on all their promises...
One Hopes!
I wouldn't dismiss gun confiscation as some type of California fringe policy that is not popular around the country. In fact, a good majority of Democrats are now advocating for gun confiscation, including the Communist Bernie Sanders (perhaps much larger threat than Eric Swalwell and looks to be the Dem frontrunner), Kamala Harris, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, the Islamist Ilhan Omar, etc.

What is scary about this National Socialist type of politician is that he tries to put on that clean, cut smiley face yuppie American Joe, but is really Adolf Hitler in a button down shirt and khakis. He has a deep hatred for the Constitution and gun owners and wants a society where the government has ultimate control and authority. This scumbag went as far as saying how the American military will defeat the gun owners of AMerica and even would resort to nuclear weapons if necessary. And, these Democrats think Trump is a warmonger/nutjob? o_O This maniac said he wants to commit genocide against his own American people. I don't think he was even joking, but rather was educated a little bit about how naive and stupid he is.

I think you worry too much about the ravings of a petty Anti-gunner like Swallwell.
He's the snot-nose kid who talks big ("We have nukes.") because he really has NOTHING. He is the Avenetti of the latest crop of libtard presidential wannabes. He'll probably go down on a child-pornography bust.

The anti-gunner gang are exposing themselves as the party of Anti-America. They support open borders, infanticide and the destruction of the Constitution.
I hope that America sees them for what they truly are.
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I think you worry too much about the ravings of a petty libtard like Swallwell.
He's the snot-nose kid who talks big ("We have nukes.") because he really has NOTHING. He is the Avenetti of the latest crop of libtard presidential wannabes. He'll probably go down on a child-pornography bust.

The democrats are exposing themselves as the party of Anti-America. They support open borders, infanticide and the destruction of the Constitution.
I hope that America sees them for what they truly are.

GWS, I can only hope I am worrying too much about him and not too little. I agree with you about the state of the American Communist/Fascist Party (aka Democrats) today. They have gone off the deep end. But the fact so many people and the large media outlets promote some (or a lot) of their insane ideologies does cause me to lose a little sleep at night sometimes.

Hopefully, these leftist nutjobs will burn up and dissapear like smoke and not end up controlling our government.
GWS, I can only hope I am worrying too much about him and not too little. I agree with you about the state of the American Communist/Fascist Party (aka Democrats) today. They have gone off the deep end. But the fact so many people and the large media outlets promote some (or a lot) of their insane ideologies does cause me to lose a little sleep at night sometimes.

Hopefully, these leftist nutjobs will burn up and dissapear like smoke and not end up controlling our government.

I still place 99% of the blame on the MSM, rather then the Sheeple! Most are good and decent folk who just want to be left alone and be "led" by the gov. quietly! If not for the infernal Leftest paid MSM ( much owned by Bloomberg) the people largly have no idea just how far out left things really are! Evidence is how much push back we see now that there are so many Dems "Out" and about!

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