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When is it enough for "stuff", including gun stuff? While I am not old, I am coming right up on 50 and the way I look at things has changed a lot. I still find myself wanting a lot of things, but I also end up asking myself when am I going to use it, how much will I use it, where will I store it, etc.

For example I have wanted to learn a lot more about metal working and get a welder and a nice lathe but between space, time and I do not have any specific projects that I need the for hold me back. I also do not want to leave a huge pile of stuff that someone else has to deal with when I am gone. I have some friends that have been going through this with their families. With that said, I did just pick up a nice 15" drill press off the local classifieds.

So now that brings me to gun stuff. I just saw another good deal on a press I really want, and 20 years ago I would have just bought it, but now I find that I am asking, "what am I going to do with it". I have 2 of the same progressives now and 3 single stage presses. My original plan was to set up one progressive for each main caliber I run so no change over needed, but things are pretty well loaded up.

I look at some of the stuff I have stashed away also. At one point I owned a belt fed, semi auto M-60 so I have enough stuff to load about 10,000 rds. I no longer have that gun and I only have one semi auto .308 and I have a ton of loaded ammo so I have been think about selling off some/most of the components. Same for a few other the other calibers I rarely shoot. I am in the process of loading up a batch of around 500 .243 ammo for my hunting rifle and that will last me the rest of my life. I do have my core arms and a good amount of ammo for all of those and that will not be changing. I also have family and sentimental stuff that also will not be changing.

My wife and I both remote work so we travel frequently, often for months at a time. When we retire we will likely continue to travel, but for longer periods and to more distant places.

I know that is a lot of misc ramblings, but when did you start making changes in your habits? What did that look like? Are you happy with your change?
I started thinning stuff out at 50. I need to make another pass through my garage and dump more. My health is declining and I can't do what I did ten years ago so I am getting things in order for my old age. I have nobody to leave my stuff to so from here on out I will continue to off load things and only keep what I can use. I'm only 58 but my physical self is worse than a few 70 year olds I know. That has a big impact on my life.
Great post! It's a topic that's been on my mind for months.

I'm going through something similar now, and maybe it is a 50's thing..I'm about your age.

Seems about 10 years ago I started to really let go and spend like there was no tomorrow. It's probably related to some depression and ptsd issues I've been dealing with for years. My wife calls it retail therapy. All I know is that I couldn't just have one of something..I had to have five, or six, or fifty.

Cars, motorcycles, watches, model cars, guitars, name it.

So about six months ago two things happened. 1) I realized the next 'thing' isn't making me least not for very long and 2) I think some world-changing shifts are coming down the pipe..and soon. I don't want to be surrounded by 'things' I don't need and can't use when it happens.

So I've been on a selling spree..liquidating. Keeping one or two of something I want/need..and that's it. It's also been a weight off my back. Things seem lighter now.

Thing's really don't buy happiness. It's been a tough lesson, but I'm working towards it every day.
I feel your pain...been pondering the same, after 20 years in our house, I've accumlitated a mass of "WTF am I doing with this!?!"...been planning to go through stuff this summer and purge.
I started thinning stuff out at 50. I need to make another pass through my garage and dump more. My health is declining and I can't do what I did ten years ago so I am getting things in order for my old age. I have nobody to leave my stuff to so from here on out I will continue to off load things and only keep what I can use. I'm only 58 but my physical self is worse than a few 70 year olds I know. That has a big impact on my life.
Luckily health is not a factor for me at the moment, but you never know what can happen or how quickly.
Hopefully you are still able to find plenty of things to enjoy.
At 50 I started to downsize as the kids were out of the house. It's been a cathartic venture to pass on many items that I no longer need, nor have any interest in.

Now I relish the people in my life, not the things I possessed or the projects/goals I felt I needed to achieve.

I think as you age your priorities change, which is healthy in my opinion.
Great post! It's a topic that's been on my mind for months.

I'm going through something similar now, and maybe it is a 50's thing..I'm about your age.

Seems about 10 years ago I started to really let go and spend like there was no tomorrow. It's probably related to some depression and ptsd issues I've been dealing with for years. My wife calls it retail therapy. All I know is that I couldn't just have one of something..I had to have five, or six, or fifty.

Cars, motorcycles, watches, model cars, guitars, name it.

So about six months ago two things happened. 1) I realized the next 'thing' isn't making me least not for very long and 2) I think some world-changing shifts are coming down the pipe..and soon. I don't want to be surrounded by 'things' I don't need and can't use when it happens.

So I've been on a selling spree..liquidating. Keeping one or two of something I want/need..and that's it. It's also been a weight off my back. Things seem lighter now.

Thing's really don't buy happiness. It's been a tough lesson, but I'm working towards it every day.
This is so true. Getting stuff does feel good, especially if it is things you have gone through a process with. For example, doing lots of research, finding the deal, getting the thing, customizing it. It releases all of those great chemicals in your brain.

Sometimes seeing a bank account go up, or having a clean shop, or finding those one or two things you use a lot are what will increase happiness.
I feel your pain...been pondering the same, after 20 years in our house, I've accumlitated a mass of "WTF am I doing with this!?!"...been planning to go through stuff this summer and purge.
Sounds like a good plan. Half of my problem is that as soon as I agree to let my wife toss something (I am not a huge hoarder) I find that I need it shortly after :s0054:
Yeah, for me that's the big rush. The research, the decision, then the customizing..I customize almost everything I buy. Every car, guitar, name it.

But there's also been some enjoyment in taking a look at it all and deciding on those one or two to keep.
Like others who comment, I too have thought about this topic recently. It must be the the 50's thing as I'm the exact same age as you. I have way too much guns then I will ever rotate shooing through. It's really just a collection and to tinker with. I rarely get out to shoot much except once every couple of months. The thought of my non-gun interested wife having to deal with all the guns & ammo is not what I want her to do.

I've been trying to decide.... not a matter of if, but more of a matter of when and what to unload. The hard part is what first and what is a must keep, etc. Health is not an issue, just the interest in guns have dwindled the last couple of years and reality of 'what am I going to do with all this stuff' or when I'm gone scenario. Hoping to learn a few insights from you folks.
Like others who comment, I too have thought about this topic recently. It must be the the 50's thing as I'm the exact same age as you. I have way too much guns then I will ever rotate shooing through. It's really just a collection and to tinker with. I rarely get out to shoot much except once every couple of months. The thought of my non-gun interested wife having to deal with all the guns & ammo is not what I want her to do.

I've been trying to decide.... not a matter of if, but more of a matter of when and what to unload. The hard part is what first and what is a must keep, etc. Health is not an issue, just the interest in guns have dwindled the last couple of years and reality of 'what am I going to do with all this stuff' or when I'm gone scenario. Hoping to learn a few insights from you folks.
As far as guns go, my method of whittling down to one or two just won't work. I tried. I put a lot of thinking and research into what became my 'five gun' plan. Full size pistol, ccw pistol, Ar, shotgun, and take down 22. I thought about letting the shotgun and 22 go, since I don't shoot them much (with the shotgun, not once)..and my Ar would be my one-gun-take-with in a bug-out anyhow.

But I just couldn't do it. Maybe I'll re-consider. I also don't shoot the Glock 22 much, don't 'really' need it..not as much as the ccw G43x..but I like it..alot.

Guns have been the toughest decision yet on downsizing.

Has alot to do with their potential use in times of bad I guess.
When is it enough for "stuff", including gun stuff? While I am not old, I am coming right up on 50 and the way I look at things has changed a lot. I still find myself wanting a lot of things, but I also end up asking myself when am I going to use it, how much will I use it, where will I store it, etc.

For example I have wanted to learn a lot more about metal working and get a welder and a nice lathe but between space, time and I do not have any specific projects that I need the for hold me back. I also do not want to leave a huge pile of stuff that someone else has to deal with when I am gone. I have some friends that have been going through this with their families. With that said, I did just pick up a nice 15" drill press off the local classifieds.

So now that brings me to gun stuff. I just saw another good deal on a press I really want, and 20 years ago I would have just bought it, but now I find that I am asking, "what am I going to do with it". I have 2 of the same progressives now and 3 single stage presses. My original plan was to set up one progressive for each main caliber I run so no change over needed, but things are pretty well loaded up.

I look at some of the stuff I have stashed away also. At one point I owned a belt fed, semi auto M-60 so I have enough stuff to load about 10,000 rds. I no longer have that gun and I only have one semi auto .308 and I have a ton of loaded ammo so I have been think about selling off some/most of the components. Same for a few other the other calibers I rarely shoot. I am in the process of loading up a batch of around 500 .243 ammo for my hunting rifle and that will last me the rest of my life. I do have my core arms and a good amount of ammo for all of those and that will not be changing. I also have family and sentimental stuff that also will not be changing.

My wife and I both remote work so we travel frequently, often for months at a time. When we retire we will likely continue to travel, but for longer periods and to more distant places.

I know that is a lot of misc ramblings, but when did you start making changes in your habits? What did that look like? Are you happy with your change?
I would offer advice but...... :D
Guns have been the toughest decision yet on downsizing.

Has alot to do with their potential use in times of bad I guess.
I too will keep all my guns, they don't take up that much room...LOL

I once tried to "Sell" a one, it's odd no one wanted to spend $5,000 on my G19X...Had to tell the wife it wasn't selling, so I better keep it. :D
I'm closing in on 50 and starting to downsize too. Including gun stuff.

I'm trying to spend more time in my community and with loved ones. I'm not an old man, but I am old enough that I've now seen many close friends through health problems. One day it will be my turn. Last few years I had couple surgeries and that really opened my eyes.

I overbought in recent years and could easily slough off a handful of range toys and never miss them. Basically if something doesn't shoot well for me it's gone.
I too will keep all my guns, they don't take up that much room...LOL

I once tried to "Sell" a one, it's odd no one wanted to spend $5,000 on my G19X...Had to tell the wife it wasn't selling, so I better keep it. :D
Ironically, I have a $5000 new 10/22 takedown with scope, sling, bipod, the works..maybe we could trade.

When is it enough for "stuff", including gun stuff? While I am not old, I am coming right up on 50 and the way I look at things has changed a lot. I still find myself wanting a lot of things, but I also end up asking myself when am I going to use it, how much will I use it, where will I store it, etc.
Oh yes, thoughts that start nagging at many sensible people who get some years under their belt. Now that I'm in my 70's fairly well along, I look back on age 50 as pretty sweet. A few years ago, I downsized all my gun stuff. Then about a year ago, I started back adding to it again but I'm keeping my wits about me on that. Accumulation seems to be a very American thing, even the homeless pile lots of otherwise useless crap around their tents. The plain fact is, you can't take any of it with you after death, so I guess it's like comfort food for many of us. Having it around makes us feel good.

There is an abundancy issue for Americans, abetted by a societal habit of borrowing. Our economy and lifestyle here enable us to accumulate. But I think back about typical families when I was growing up, they didn't have nearly as much material clutter in their lives. At least in the circumstances where I grew up. People even went together buying a lawnmower and shared it on weekends.

I am in the process of loading up a batch of around 500 .243 ammo for my hunting rifle and that will last me the rest of my life.
Rates of consumption on .243 wouldn't normally call for that kind of production. I think M1A's could be ordered in .243 at one time or maybe still, you'd use it up fairly quickly with one of those. Otherwise, you're probably well set with 500 rounds.

When we retire we will likely continue to travel, but for longer periods and to more distant places.
Maybe. Two potential scenarios, 1. You'll get tired of it, or 2. Some medical issue will cause you to stay closer to home. Advice for elders: If you're going someplace, be sure it's a place where you can find public comfort stations.

you never know what can happen or how quickly.
Like others who comment, I too have thought about this topic recently. It must be the the 50's thing as I'm the exact same age as you. I have way too much guns then I will ever rotate shooing through. It's really just a collection and to tinker with. I rarely get out to shoot much except once every couple of months. The thought of my non-gun interested wife having to deal with all the guns & ammo is not what I want her to do.

I've been trying to decide.... not a matter of if, but more of a matter of when and what to unload. The hard part is what first and what is a must keep, etc. Health is not an issue, just the interest in guns have dwindled the last couple of years and reality of 'what am I going to do with all this stuff' or when I'm gone scenario. Hoping to learn a few insights from you folks.
For sure, that is a challenge. I did a big purge about 15 years ago. I was not in debit, but I wanted to make a big change in life. I liquidated a bunch of historical or high end items I was not using. Items like 1903, 30-40 Krag, M1 Grand, .45 caliber Uzi, Mac -11, etc.

I would start with things that you are not using or rarely use that hold no special purpose. I am also held on to stuff that does not have any real value as I do not need the money. For example I have a Romanian AK in .22 that is worth about what I paid for it, I rarely use it, but also not worth selling now.

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