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If they do keep trying and it looks like it has traction, I think pro-2A advocates should be all over this. I think gun confiscation is a silly thing to worry about, but death by a thousand cuts seems plausible. And ammo restrictions are of that sort - the nose of the camel under the tent, so to speak.

But I don't think it's a good idea to waste energy on legislative or administrative ideas that are destined for nowhere. (Or, for that matter, on screaming about socialism like some Alzheimer's patient with flashbacks to his days on the McCarthy Un-American Activities Committee).

Keep your powder dry, boys and girls, or risk being marginalized as an irrelevant screamer-about-all-things.

Do people who (your) quote "screaming about socialism like some Alzheimer's patient with flashbacks" do our cause any more harm than people like yourself that seem to enjoy baiting them into quote "screaming about socialism like some Alzheimer's patient with flashbacks"?

It's no mystery that is what you are doing.
This bill keeps comeing back up, basically there are two as*wipes in WA who patented the tech to inscribe the bullets and now they keep trying to pass a law so someone will acctually have to use it. Now worries untill you see a bunch of legislators buy stock in the company.... Then we're in trouble.
Do people who (your) quote "screaming about socialism like some Alzheimer's patient with flashbacks" do our cause any more harm than people like yourself that seem to enjoy baiting them into quote "screaming about socialism like some Alzheimer's patient with flashbacks"?

It's no mystery that is what you are doing.

Here's exactly what I'm doing: Calling whack jobs who hurt the cause of gun rights whack jobs who hurt the cause of gun rights. When you scream irrationally about socialist takeovers, Obama's hatred of America, and how all Muslims are dangerous on a gun rights forum, you HURT THE CAUSE OF GUN RIGHTS.

It's not like if I don't say it, no one will notice. Nutjob, anti-American, racist, intolerant posts on a public gun rights forum hurt our cause. People notice nuts. And they form opinions about us based on those nutjobs. Just like people form opinions about NBA players based on how the idiot gangstas act. You are a role model here. Act like one.

That's what I'm doing: Telling people to stop being nutty, racist, intolerant, hysterical, ignorant boobs. Why? Because being that way hurts our gun rights. And if that requires me to verbally slap some boobs around, so be it. They deserve it, are grownups, and can slap back. But frankly, most of them seem too busy hatefully drooling into their cornflakes-and-budweiser to be capable of verbal repartee.

How's that?
Here's exactly what I'm doing: Calling whack jobs who hurt the cause of gun rights whack jobs who hurt the cause of gun rights. When you scream irrationally about socialist takeovers, Obama's hatred of America, and how all Muslims are dangerous on a gun rights forum, you HURT THE CAUSE OF GUN RIGHTS.

It's not like if I don't say it, no one will notice. Nutjob, anti-American, racist, intolerant posts on a public gun rights forum hurt our cause. People notice nuts. And they form opinions about us based on those nutjobs. Just like people form opinions about NBA players based on how the idiot gangstas act. You are a role model here. Act like one.

That's what I'm doing: Telling people to stop being nutty, racist, intolerant, hysterical, ignorant boobs. Why? Because being that way hurts our gun rights. And if that requires me to verbally slap some boobs around, so be it. They deserve it, are grownups, and can slap back.

How's that?

I understand everything you're saying and have my own opinions on who I personally would and/or would not want representing my own gun rights. My point though as stated, is the guy baiting people into acting like nutjobs any worse than than said nutjobs?

Like it or not gun owners are a diverse group encompassing all walks of life just as our founding fathers intended it to be, thus good or bad all have a right to their say on the subject of their rights.

And please take this take this to PM if you have anything further to say to me personally about this matter as you already have one thread about "nutjobs". Baiting people in this thread about the same topic is just distracting to the original topic which is Pending Legislation Regarding Ammunition‏
And please take this take this to PM if you have anything further to say to me personally about this matter as you already have one thread about "nutjobs". Baiting people in this thread about the same topic is just distracting to the original topic which is Pending Legislation Regarding Ammunition‏

Dude, look at my posts and yours in this thread. Mine are all about guns and how we further gun rights or not. Your comment about me had nothing to do with the subject.

I agree: Let's make sure ALL of our posts have something to do with guns. That includes you.

In that vein, I'll reiterate: It's not smart to jump to the barricades every time some anti-gun proposal is thrown out there. We should hold our fire until there's something worth directing fire toward. If you shoot at everything, you make us look like boobs. I'm against that. If there is a realistic chance there will be a restriction on ammo, let's get to that. But hold your fire till you see the whites of their eyes.

If people disagree and think we should jump out of bed and shoot at every noise we hear in the night, fine. I'm just saying that's bad tactics.
Two guys in WA came up with this idea and patented the technology to achieve it. In promoting their ve$ted interest, the drew up a SAMPLE bill and thought the states legislature would simply cut and paste it making them very rich men. It was considered by only one state (MO) several years ago and never made it out of committee there. What these two entrepreneurs need to do is raise a pile of money and by themselves several Congess members like all the "big boy" businesses are doing. Once their idea becomes law, they could reap huge profits and buy more members passing stupid laws and regulations, increasing their profits even more and passing the cost on to the American consumer. I can imagine them becoming heroes for saving us all from an untimely death and reciving the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

So now that we've all had a good laugh, let's focus on some real threats like how to proceed in Afganistan. Now there's a problem that is actually killing Americans.

Remember our Veterans today (and every day).

VN Grunt 67-68
Dude, look at my posts and yours in this thread. Mine are all about guns and how we further gun rights or not. Your comment about me had nothing to do with the subject.

Not so fast, said post circled right back to what seems to be your favorite topic and that is "nutjobs doing harm to your rights" which is not the subject and is a another thread that you you started.

You have heard of Godwins law?

A term that originated on Usenet, Godwin's Law states that as an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that somebody will bring up Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. When such an event occurs, the person guilty of invoking Godwin's Law has effectively forfieted the argument.

I am proposing CEF1959's law.

As an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that CEF1959 will compare gun owners of opposing opinions up Nutjobs wackos and Rasicts.
Ammo is plentiful at he gun shows !
Buy more ammo now !!! Go to the gun shows and buy all the surplus ammo you can afford !!!
And help stamp out this irresponsible movement
"I am proposing CEF1959's law. As an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that CEF1959 will compare gun owners of opposing opinions up Nutjobs wackos and Rasicts."

I'm flattered. But the rule only applies if people express Nutjob or Racist ideas. Many pro-gun people are neither racist nor nutjobs. Like the NRA, for example. I'm pro-NRA and anti-nutjob, anti-racist. You may have a different point of view. And if you haven't seen any right-wing nutjob racist posts on this site, I don't think you have been paying attention.

And unlike Trlsmn, I'll bring this back to gun rights: As a conservative gun-rights Republican, I think being a right-wing, nutjob racist on a public pro-gun forum hurts our gun rights.

So does screaming about socialist takeovers and dead legislation that is going nowhere. It may get ratings for rich media giants like Fox News and Rush by drawing in the mouth breather extremist element, and it may help the rabid feel better after they vent. But if you think it helps our gun rights, you are wrong.
"I am proposing CEF1959's law. As an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that CEF1959 will compare gun owners of opposing opinions up Nutjobs wackos and Rasicts."

I'm flattered. But the rule only applies if people express Nutjob or Racist ideas. Many pro-gun people are neither racist nor nutjobs. Like the NRA, for example. I'm pro-NRA and anti-nutjob, anti-racist. You may have a different point of view.

How you chose to implement instances of CEF1959's law would of course be up to you.
How you chose to implement instances of CEF1959's law would of course be up to you.

What does THAT post have to do with guns, Mr. Moderator? Isn't there a rule that posts relate to guns? I could have sworn that was a rule, Mr. Moderator.

So let me reiterate: Being a nutjob hurts gun rights. Being a racist hurts gun rights. Being intolerant on religion hurts gun rights. And wailing about legislation that is going no where hurts gun rights. Let's keep the powder dry and our posts focused on guns and gun rights. If I say something about gun rights you disagree with, say so. If you say something about gun rights I disagree with, I'll say so. If those exchanges are pointed, I'm all for that. Any man with confidence in his position would be. If you can't handle it, well... OK.
Mu solution is: Buy AMMO, AMMO, and more AMMO! You never will have too much! If you can accumulate a lifetime supply, then when legislative tragedy comes, you'll be set! Having a good selection of guns is good, but without ammo, they are worthless. So, BUY MORE AMMO when you find it!
No, it's called judgment. And if you can't tell nutjob racist remarks when they are posted, I can't help you.

But judgment DOES equal decision. So you're deciding on whether the post represents Nutjob or Racist <tm> remarks, then applying CEF1959's Law to the result.

Moving on, though...if I can tell that they're Nutjob or Racist <tm> remarks, then clearly I don't need your help. And if I can't tell that they're Nutjob or Racist <tm> remarks, then you've just admitted that you can't help.

In other words, your posts about other remarks being Nutjob or Racist <tm> are worthless incitements, designed to bait out other people here for your own personal amusement.

Glad we got THAT cleared up. :yes:

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