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Using a character in a movie to describe, and to establish a certain belief you have about something isn't too intelligent in my opinion.
His comparison is flawed to begin with. He is equating all defensive use of deadly force with what was essentially a revenge killing (murder).

How do you protect victims, i.e. someone who is already dead, with this kind of legislation? It's absurd.
After 27 years in the military*
I'd like to know what 27 years as a lawyer in the ANG has to do with military service. :s0140: ZING! (Sorry flyboys)
I suspect he has an infantile preoccupation for Clint Eastwood, and possibly other actors as well and might have a problem separating reality from the fantasy of movies.
He's just playing to his base in a big way. Read his Wikipedia bio and then click on some of the links in the reference section. He's milking the "grew up in poverty" angle for all it's worth. His father was an organic farmer (IOW daddy had a thing about pesticides - so common among the poor) and mommy was an educator. I guess all of this could have been avoided if only Oregon paid its teachers more. But somehow he managed to attend the University of Maryland - I guess they could afford out-of-state tuition! It's laughable.
LOL… can't tell if your being facetious, but he's playing the "veteran card" and LARPing for the photo to present a mental image of "veteran virtue" so he can (hopefully) screw you.
Yeah that is a lot of odd and mixed signals, none of which I like.
  • I'm not sure but is this LAW going to be changed or eliminated.
  • Confused ?????

  • Notwithstanding the provisions of ORS 161.209, a person is not justified in using deadly physical force upon another person unless the person reasonably believes that the other person is:
    1. Committing or attempting to commit a felony involving the use or threatened imminent use of physical force against a person; or
    2. Committing or attempting to commit a burglary in a dwelling; or
    3. Using or about to use unlawful deadly physical force against a person.
I'd like to know what 27 years as a lawyer in the ANG has to do with military service
Check into what an Air Guard Officer gets paid for a weekend of sitting around, doing nothing on a drill weekend (depending on his AFSC) and then quadruple it for summer camp.

I know - since I was a full-time 'Unit Administrator' for the ORARNG at one time.
And not doing a very good job of it considering the faded, and wrinkled camos.

He might have considered 'dress blues' for the pic - or at least pressed and creased camos.
That's the new "thing"…. grungy looking tan suede boots that can't be polished for garrison duty, "hamper fresh" camo uniforms with noisy Velcro pocket fasteners…. PENMANSHIP awards all over those multiple pockets.

We smoked soldiers until they puked for far less than that. o_O:rolleyes:

disturbing and slaps hard of an ulterior agenda. id be REALLY interested to know his rationale. we already have a system that works - when has there been a rash of people murdering people and getting off claiming self defense?

once again, for the 5 billionth time: there needs to be a law that some actual goddamn science exists behind bills for them to be enacted. oh you want to make it illegal to sniff other peoples' cats asses? you need to provide some strong evidence that sniffing strange cat bubblegum is in fact "a problem" in our society first
A.) Saying that "self-defense" is an "affirmative defense" is totally misleading. When did self-defense become an "affirmative defense" against being charged with assault (if attacker lives) or murder or manslaughter?
So, it appears we are nearly exactly on the same page from your detailed and well worded post. Other than from everything I have ever seen from reliable sources indicates that self defense is an affirmative defense; you are admitting to the crime of assault or manslaughter but with an allowable exception under the law. Most states refer to this as the doctrine of competing harms, Oregon is cool in that ours is named the "Choice of Evils" §161.200. Here is one example:

"The affirmative defense is a justification for the defendant having committed the accused crime. It differs from other defenses because the defendant admits that he did, in fact, break the law. He is simply arguing that he has a good reason for having done so and, therefore, should be excused from all criminal liability."
National Association of Legal Support Professionals article 2017​

This is all I'm referring to under the "affirmative defense" moniker. I think it is abundantly clear that we are both on the opposite side of politician!

Cheers and great detail in your post!!!
Disarm law abiding citizens.
Outlaw ones ability to defend oneself.
While lowering the penalty for drive by shootings.

How did people get so screwed up so quickly? Mind Blowing!
Mental illness run rampant and allowed to masquerade as a political party.
Linkdrop o' Food-Fer-Thought...
Linkdrop o' Food-Fer-Thought...
Preaching to the choir. Just the level of cognitive dissonance alone makes you wonder how people go through life that way. I can have a conversation with someone and point to irrefutable proof that their position on a matter is inconsistent, illogical, or even factually wrong - but if they don't "feel that way" it's irrelevant to them. They'd rather live believing a lie than face reality.

Thomas Sowell said it well, you can't win an argument with someone who enjoys a sense of moral superiority even in their ignorance.
disturbing and slaps hard of an ulterior agenda. id be REALLY interested to know his rationale. we already have a system that works - when has there been a rash of people murdering people and getting off claiming self defense?

once again, for the 5 billionth time: there needs to be a law that some actual goddamn science exists behind bills for them to be enacted. oh you want to make it illegal to sniff other peoples' cats asses? you need to provide some strong evidence that sniffing strange cat bubblegum is in fact "a problem" in our society first

The same with body cams and LEOs, cell phone cams are showing that not all SD events were truly SD. Like the Ahmaud Arbery and the baby-daddy shooting in Texas.
LOL… can't tell if you're being facetious, but he's playing the "veteran card" and LARPing for the photo to present a mental image of "veteran virtue" so he can (hopefully) screw you.
Forgot I wasn't on a Reddit board, the /s is sarcasm. I've never served but I've got all the respect for those who have. This clown upsets me.

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