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Hello, friends. Today I have been looking at Arizona lands. Some are most interesting and I will to narrow them down soon. While I am looking at the regular sites (e.g., Land Watch, Farm Seller, Zillow, et al.), I figured I'd toss it out there in the event someone has a parcel to sell, knows someone, etc. Some in Yavapai County appear to really fit the bill.

The factors being considered:

  • At least 10 acres. Preferably between 20-40 acres. More would be something wonderful, provided it could be acquired at a reasonable rate.
  • Buildable. We'll probably toss a manufactured home on this one for ease.
  • No zoning bullplop that would prevent having a home and agricultural production on said.
  • No where near a neighborhood, HOA, or major city. A 30-60 minute drive to a reasonably sized city/town would be good though.
  • Electricity reasonably close by to run a line. I'm still not sold on going completely solar with propane generator backup as a primary, though both of those will most certainly be in place as secondary power.
  • Water already developed would be a huge upshot. Not? Well, not a deal breaker, but it would be nice if already done, because installing a well is expensive and annoying.
  • Harvestable timber would be great, but not a deal breaker. (A 47-acre parcel I'm very interested in has some.)
  • Abutting other parcels for sale would be good for other members of our tribe gettting to the escape pods. This is not a major factor. If/when they join us, communication can be via radio/repeater.
Anywho, if you know of anything, I'd value the information.

P.S. I've got messages into multiple realtors. Naturally, none of them have return the call thus far. I've done well in business and, while I don't claim to be a expert, one fine factor is this: someone wanting to give you and your client thousands, maybe pick up the g'damn phone, you indolent muppet. :p
someone wanting to give you and your client thousands, maybe pick up the g'damn phone, you indolent muppet. :p

Nope. Not any more. This is the way business is done now apparently. Phone, e mails, texts, they will get back to you whenever the hell they want to. They are busy. They will give you every lame azz excuse as to why they cannot do something or call you back. Like you, I did well in business also, and answering the phone or e mails was part of that. I ran a 1.7 million dollar construction business from the front seat of my Freightliner or pickup and could answer my phone and e mails no problem.

My current venture is working on internet content for business that are struggling or need direction. Having a sales system and process in which you answer your phone or e mail right away and return all calls by the end of the day..novel concept.

I am on my second project manager for my house build in Central Oregon. Although I have not signed a formal contract with them, the millennial who is the "project manager" has this habit of not e mailing me back or calling me back. 3 days I have been waiting for elevation schematics for my permit applications. Nothing. If I don't have it by 10 am tomorrow then I will have to call the vice president (again) in Seattle.

It is only a $ 200,000 house when done, so I guess I need to spend more money for some punk azz to actually work with me.
Once upon a time, my grandparents owned a square mile of desert outside of Baos (sp?), Arizona. When the passed, they split it up amongst their kids. My parents sold their 160 acre portion for $40,000. That was a lot of money then and we were really poor. It helped and got us to where we are today, but sometimes I wish we still had that property. Although I almost got bit by a rattlesnake there as a little kid.

Also lived for a year in Pason, Arizona near the Verde river. Not too dissimilar from Southern Oregon. My parents each worked at one of the two restaurants in town. We stayed in an old cabin with no real heat and an outhouse out back. This was the early 80s. I liked the area and wouldn't mind moving back there. If you like the climate around here, I'd recommend it. Probably changed a bit in 35 years though.

Good luck with your search. I keep looking at plots of land as well, but I really love the Oregon coast. I'm very conflicted about what my exact next move will be.
Nope. Not any more. This is the way business is done now apparently. Phone, e mails, texts, they will get back to you whenever the hell they want to. They are busy. They will give you every lame azz excuse as to why they cannot do something or call you back. Like you, I did well in business also, and answering the phone or e mails was part of that. I ran a 1.7 million dollar construction business from the front seat of my Freightliner or pickup and could answer my phone and e mails no problem.

Couldn't have said it better myself. In all the these decades, I've never shrugged off a client (huge multinational to dinky operation), because they were the ones making the income happen, and it is just good, solid ethics and friendliness. It can make one loco at times, but still, to quote one of my elder brothers, "that's what makes it rain."

Oh well, one way or another, I'm going to make Project Exodus work. First my own family and then likely the rest.

I keep looking at plots of land as well, but I really love the Oregon coast. I'm very conflicted about what my exact next move will be.

I hear you. Both me and my beloved Esposita are native born Oregonians, had planned on making this patch of land our "forever home". However, we've both had enough of horsecrap out of Salem, and to lesser extent, the county seat. We could even tolerate that to some extent, but is it ever going to get better? No, it isn't going to happen. And the raft of new nonsense that has been introduced in the last few weeks answered that question unequivocally. I don't like it one bit, but I'm a realist.
Couldn't have said it better myself. In all the these decades, I've never shrugged off a client (huge multinational to dinky operation), because they were the ones making the income happen, and it is just good, solid ethics and friendliness. It can make one loco at times, but still, to quote one of my elder brothers, "that's what makes it rain."

Oh well, one way or another, I'm going to make Project Exodus work. First my own family and then likely the rest.

I hear you. Both me and my beloved Esposita are native born Oregonians, had planned on making this patch of land our "forever home". However, we've both had enough of horseshít out of Salem, and to lesser extent, the country seat. We could even tolerate that to some extent, but is it ever going to get better? No. And the raft of new nonsense that has been introduced in the last few weeks answered that question unequivocally. I don't like it one bit, but I'm a realist.

You guys in for a +1? I don't eat much, am clean and pay my way. I can choot things and can fix most things that break, from cars to houses. Have tools, will travel.

@TeacherSmurf can we get a vote here? I forgot to mention that I'm tech savvy, great with kids and I actually have grown to enjoy doing the dishes and vacuuming.

Any responses from those selling land? Nope, of course not. Oh well, I will do more homework over the weekend, and hit it again Monday. This project, which was back burner for a while, has been shoved to the fore.

I'm still liking what I'm seeing outside the Prescott area and am thinking of taking flight there, renting a car, and scoping it out. It has been a while since I've been through the state, so it is time to visit again. My father is advising much further south, closer to the border with México, like in Bisbee or Sierra Vista. Not sure on that, though I normally trust his information. We have a family friend in Bisbee who loves the area too. I don't want to go too far north either though.

Anywho, if anyone has some areas I should check out, either online or on scouting trips, I would value the information. Thanks.

I just learned AZ has these cute little animals
Any responses from those selling land? Nope, of course not. Oh well, I will do more homework over the weekend, and hit it again Monday. This project, which was back burner for a while, has been shoved to the fore.

I'm still liking what I'm seeing outside the Prescott area and am thinking of taking flight there, renting a car, and scoping it out. It has been a while since I've been through the state, so it is time to visit again. My father is advising much further south, closer to the border with México, like in Bisbee or Sierra Vista. Not sure on that, though I normally trust his information. We have a family friend in Bisbee who loves the area too. I don't want to go too far north either though.

Anywho, if anyone has some areas I should check out, either online or on scouting trips, I would value the information. Thanks.

No offense meant brother.
Couldn't have said it better myself. In all the these decades, I've never shrugged off a client (huge multinational to dinky operation), because they were the ones making the income happen, and it is just good, solid ethics and friendliness. It can make one loco at times, but still, to quote one of my elder brothers, "that's what makes it rain."

When I am in this situation, one final polite call is all I give them. In a calm voice I remind them that THEY WORK FOR ME, not the other way around. Also make it perfectly clear that if they don't want your money (their "fee") then there are 1000's of others that will be glad to help you. Ensure that they understand that you'll give them 24 hours to return your call to ANY question and contact you have with them - unless they are in the hospital, then they had better set up their voice messaging system to state so.

Tell them that you'd like a return call (or return email) within 24 hours. If they don't, then don't bother at all as you are getting someone else.

Real easy. ;)
When I am in this situation, one final polite call is all I give them. In a calm voice I remind them that THEY WORK FOR ME, not the other way around. Also make it perfectly clear that if they don't want your money (their "fee") then there are 1000's of others that will be glad to help you. Ensure that they understand that you'll give them 24 hours to return your call to ANY question and contact you have with them - unless they are in the hospital, then they had better set up their voice messaging system to state so.

Tell them that you'd like a return call (or return email) within 24 hours. If they don't, then don't bother at all as you are getting someone else.

Real easy. ;)

I normally try twice, figuring we're only human, and a lost message, email, or hiccup can happen. After that, to hell with them, I'm not wasting my time. And I have business relationships that have gone on for decades that started because they were the only one capable of getting back to me.

Fortunately, I am getting information on this particular project, which is encouraging. I, literally, just left a message regarding the parcel that looks the most promising (good well already in place, electricity very close, just shy of 40 acres). We'll see how it goes. :)
Have you looked in the PIMA COUNTY area yet?
I have mucho insider info for ya as I live there some times! It's still growing, but has taken a serious down turn in the property markets, there are some SERIOUS properties available for reasonable monies, I would seriously have a look! Tucson is a nice city actually, not to full of it's self and the people are mostly friendly, south towards the mines is really where it's at, between Saharita and GreenValley all the way out east up against the Rincon Mountains! or west to Ajo!
@Ura-Ki, would be so hip to be knowing of the insider info. Here or via private message, whichever, would be wonderful. Thanks much. :D

Beyond that, I've got a crapton of information compiled. Headed out soon. :)
@Ura-Ki, would be so hip to be knowing of the insider info. Here or via private message, whichever, would be wonderful. Thanks much. :D

Beyond that, I've got a crapton of information compiled. Headed out soon. :)

We will be down there next month and would be happy to show you around if you like! Its a big time Air Force town, lots of cool stuff to see flying around!:D
Lived in Yavapai county for seven years and moved up here in 2013.

Bought a house in Prescott Valley for $178k and sold it three years later for $226k. It was last listed on the market last March for $365k. Such is real estate in Arizona.


Looked into buying land in Northern Yavapai county as 20 acres was around $20k then. Area North of Gunsite around Paulden. Lots of scrub oak and not much to look at, but it's not too far from Chino Valley.

The biggest issue I ran into was water and utilities. Nearly every property I looked at that I could afford either didn't perk for septic systems, or the water table was so incredibly deep, that a well was out of the question. I'm talking 1200' deep.

Most folks up there have water trucked in. That's an actual service up there and no idea of the cost. But it's a booming business. Also, power can be expensive to have put in. I knew lots of folks that had solar power and lived basically off the grid. It's a lot of work and you have to have the proper mindset for it.

I rented a place near Dewey, AZ in Southern Yavapai County. It was 5 acres tucked back in a hidden valley with a green double-wide on it. You had to drive through the Agua Fria river to get to it, and during the monsoon season, you could be stuck there for a week or longer waiting for the river to subside. But, I had a 500yd range, no neighbors, and the well was only 150' deep with good water.


Owner offered it to me for $150k and I almost got it, but... Rattlesnakes in the yard at least a couple of times a month. Pets would disappear due to cougars and coyotes, horrible large stinging centipedes would show up in the house, javelina would try and kill the dogs, 13 miles to the grocery store and kid's activities got old, and the lots all around us were for sale and would likely be bought by Californians.

Now, I grew up in Moscow, ID and have lived in Boise, Hawaii, San Diego, Arizona, Iowa, and Washington.

The worst drivers I ever saw were in Prescott, AZ.

Literally every time I drove to Home Depot or somewhere across town, I would see road rage. The most rude and aggressive drivers are in Yavapai County. And the cops don't care a bit.

I was coming home from work one day and witnessed a guy so drunk/high/stoned/crazy that he could barely stay on the 4-lane and ran several people off the road.

I called 911 and followed him for 20+ miles and no one came. I stayed on the line and told them my exact position, the suspect vehicle's plate info, driver description, etc.

At one point, he pulled over and stopped on the side of the road. I pulled up about 50yds behind him and stopped, with dispatch still on the line. He then threw his car into reverse and tried to ram me.

No cops ever showed up.

Same response when a drunk Mexican was throwing beer bottles at my truck and threatening to kill me.

I had bullet holes in my house. My neighbor 2 houses down got drunk and threatened his wife with a steak knife. Cops showed up and shot him dead.

Prescott, AZ has the highest per capita addiction treatment centers of any town in the US. Huge drug problem there. Lots of homeless due to all of the treatment center dropouts.

Go to Granite park behind the Safeway in Prescott and try to walk your dog. You better have a gun.

Yavapai county also is a hugely popular spot for people from California and the Northeast to move to. They bring all of their liberal ideas and attitudes with them.

Now, I loved the outdoors there and had a blast exploring old mines and panning for gold. Great weather and all sorts of outdoor activities. But the people and crime were too much for this small town boy.

People that love it there usually moved there from someplace worse and have a high tolerance for white trash and crime and rudeness. I don't.

Maybe you do...
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I just learned AZ has these cute little animals

Oh, they have all sorts of "cute critters"...

This is my son outside of our home in Prescott Valley...


After the monsoon, tarantulas come out by the thousands and show up everywhere randomly. You better be prepared for a month or so of giant spiders everywhere...

These cute little critters have a sting as bad as a scorpion's and can get into your house at will...



And of course there are rattlesnakes. But Arizona also has the Mojave Green rattlesnake. The most potent and aggressive of all the rattlesnake species. When driving up the 1.5 mile paved driveway from my place in the country, I would see rattlesnakes sunning themselves on the road most days.

Diamondback rattlers would slither off when they sensed my car coming. The Mojave Green rattlers would coil up and strike at my car and chase it, if I missed running over the dirty things.


And of course you can't forget the Javelina. Arizona's own version of a cross between a raccoon, pig, and coyote in terms of being a nuisance.

They run in herds and are infamous for destroying gardens and landscaping, going after pets, and even being aggressive towards humans. I shot one in my yard when it was chasing my dogs.


@PNWguy, thank you for all the insider information! I can't thank you enough, because it is always good to hear the negative side of things.

Alas, "white trash and crime and rudeness" pretty much defines a good deal of southern Oregon, so this wouldn't be a huge change. Law enforcement is minimal where we are now and essentially nonexistent further to the south and to the west where my parents live. The weather thoroughly sucks half the year, though, admittedly, the other half is fantastic, but I'm still done with the rain. On the up shot, the bugs aren't anything as bad as what you reported. (And with small kiddos, that is a serious concern.) We have snakes and other varmints, though nothing to get too disturbed about, though that appears to be a bigger problem down south. Long distance drives don't bother us one bit; did a crapton of that out east and to some extent here too.

We have not ruled out Idaho though I am getting less traction and cooperation with contacts there. Tax situation-wise, Nevada was the best in my research, but they look to be the next state to fall to Californication, so has been ruled out for now. Arizona is still better than here. Idaho, from what I've seen, is a mixed bag tax wise, though better than Oregon. And since we loved our time in eastern Oregon, western Idaho makes sense because it is similar to said, minus the insane bullplop out of Salem.

Anyway, the search continues. Thanks to all that have replied. :)

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