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Well, you guys are explaining the whole reason why Gunshows are going in the toilet. And yet you say you "Except" them to be better. The Only thing that might 'help' is if people stop "window shopping" and started buying at the shows. The price of ammunition has gone through the roof at the wholesale level and yet you still want it for next to nothing because you think that is right. I wish it were. I've been selling at Gunshows for some 35 years and I've seen how the Shows have gone to pot. I don't like it any better than you do.
My gun show "circuit" has come down to Rickreall and ARPC. Did hit the East Albany Lions show,
not bad--I'll try it again. Several others I used to go to, including Expo and Salem. Last time
I did Expo it was a shadow of what it used to be.
Well, you guys are explaining the whole reason why Gunshows are going in the toilet. And yet you say you "Except" them to be better. The Only thing that might 'help' is if people stop "window shopping" and started buying at the shows. The price of ammunition has gone through the roof at the wholesale level and yet you still want it for next to nothing because you think that is right. I wish it were. I've been selling at Gunshows for some 35 years and I've seen how the Shows have gone to pot. I don't like it any better than you do.

Times are changing.....

.22LR ammo is not 1 or 2 cents per round anymore.
A 1911 isn't $250 anymore.
You won't find any Mosin Nagant's for $99 (think Big-5) anymore.
You won't find an SKS or AK for $125 anymore.

What, protest gas by not buying it because it isn't $1.25 per gallon anymore? (Same mentality to protest gunshows)

I'm going to keep going to them when I can. I can spend $20-$25 to show up and walk around for a few hours, and maybe find something that I want/need.

Or I can go to the gun range and blow off $50-$100 in a few hours. Then go home and start shopping for ammo to replace what I shot.

It's all good! :s0090:
This is EXACLTY what I have been asking myself for years.

Bring in your items, sell them (all?) for a profit that is reasonable to you. Go home with no product, happy and a pocket full of cash.

NOT sit at every show, with the same over priced stuff, packing it in, and packing it home..... makes absolutely no sense. :confused:
I have seen these good people set up with things most folks would find reasonable in quality and price, and then the other dealers descend upon/buy those items up and add them to their tables at now bloated prices.
I have seen these good people set up with things most folks would find reasonable in quality and price, and then the other dealers descend upon/buy those items up and add them to their tables at now bloated prices.

I have too. And those "seedy" vendors pack them in and out of every show for many months after.

At least the original guy went in and did exactly what he was wanting to do. Move product to make a profit.

I have too. And those "seedy" vendors pack them in and out of every show for many months after.

At least the original guy went in and did exactly what he was wanting to do. Move product to make a profit.

Tables at the show aren't free, you have to cover your costs. I have thought about going many times to Portland or Hillsboro, but find a range day more appealing. I have been getting good .22LR for a nickle a round the last month and seven cents for CCI, happy to help anyone that needs more, they arrive in cases of 5K so it is easy to squirrel away in great packaging.
I stopped going to the Expo show precisely for the OP's reasons. Costly parking, costly admission, and too many non firearm vendors. I missed the Oregon Arms Collectors show this August because I had visitors from out of town. I guess I'll have to try the Albany and Rickreall shows.
I think folks are mostly lamenting a change in the economy. The internet has made brick and mortar sales, and by extension, things like gunshows, a much tougher market to be successful in. Heck, even with shipping and hazardous material fees, you can still beat the gun shows for bulk ammo purchases in many cases - especially once you factor in parking and entrance fees.

I know many folks are looking back on the 'good old days' of gun shows, but I honestly think their time is limited, at least in the numbers they are currently happening. No doubt some good ones will hang on. I remember the days when folks would talk about all the great deals they got at the gun shows, how they would find the parts they need or maybe some ammo, but I rarely hear that any longer. Why spend $25 to find a part you can get at Brownell's for half that price in shipping and save your time. I also get some folks like gun shows are a social outlet for some folks - honestly, that side of it doesn't appeal to me, but I do understand that it's a place for like minded folks to gather and chat - just like here on NWFA. Perhaps it is the thought of losing that social outlet that bothers some folks more?

I just think some are sad that the old way of doing things is changing, but then we all know the only constant in life, is change. Personally, I happen to like the option to shop online and not have to spend half my day out shopping for things. My time is valuable to me. Honestly, if I have a few hours to burn, I'd much rather be at the range. And yes, I'll support the local shops and vendors whenever I can. In fact, I was just talking to my local FFL yesterday about buying my first can sometime next year - and when it's time, he's going to get my business.

I really do wonder how much longer these shows can last in the current economy. People are smart, they'll spend their money where they can get the best deal. There are only so many folks willing to pay a premium to walk the tables.

Now, what I do miss is the old Sandy Barr's Flea Market - we used to hit that place when I was a kid. Best place to find cheap Chinese crap and stolen garbage at good prices ;)
They arent the best deals. But being able to walk around with my wife, dad, and father in law looking at guns and parts make it worth it.

That and i bought the last few parts of mt ar15 and went home and out ot togwther that night.

Money is money. But time spent with people is more important to me
I went to the Expo Center for the gun show today (first time in about 4 years) and reminded myself why it's been so long. $10 to park, $10 to get in-after arguing with the ticket "master" that my daughter was only nine (she's tall like me, I'm over 6'4") he wanted to keep my twenty dollar bill for the two of us! Then absolutely zero deals, I mean none. Even Keith's wouldn't dicker on price. Maybe I'm an old fashioned thirty something year old but, what gives? Prices were well over normal on the shelf prices at any store. Several bulk packs of 22lr for $60 or more? Even worse, it is now located in the oldest and smallest building that was sectioned off because they couldn't attract enough quality vendors to fill it.
OK, done ranting-lesson reiterated-Portland sux!
Yep, I kicked that gun show skunk a few times before realizing it simply wasnt worth it. But its a great learning experience.
I just parked across the street at that truck loading pull off... saved $10..
I was extremely disapointed with the show as well... I bought steel target just because I didn't want the trip to be in vain. They had crap for reloading supplies, it was about 100degrees inside, and the prices sucked!
Seems like the vendors are targeting impulse buyers, and ignorant people that don't know that they could get the same stuff online for 1/2 as much. And a couple of them looked like they were just there to show off thier collections, with prices up so high that it was obvious the had no intention of selling anything.
I'd like to see a gunshow with more used guns and gear, More like a flea market, or a swap meet. Basically the NWFA classifieds spread out on tables.
That's a thought... An NWFA swap meet!

With free parking.
I just parked across the street at that truck loading pull off... saved $10..
I was extremely disapointed with the show as well... I bought steel target just because I didn't want the trip to be in vain. They had crap for reloading supplies, it was about 100degrees inside, and the prices sucked!
Seems like the vendors are targeting impulse buyers, and ignorant people that don't know that they could get the same stuff online for 1/2 as much. And a couple of them looked like they were just there to show off thier collections, with prices up so high that it was obvious the had no intention of selling anything.
I'd like to see a gunshow with more used guns and gear, More like a flea market, or a swap meet. Basically the NWFA classifieds spread out on tables.
That's a thought... An NWFA swap meet!

With free parking.

See, now that's a great idea - plus, if it were a sanctioned 'gun show' (not sure what the requirements are to do that), you could bypass SB941's requirement for FFL transfers for private sales - folks could simply call in their own background checks.
I used to think the Portland one was bad, but the CO one really sucks. Way expensive and much smaller selection. At least it is only $7 to get in and I did score on a few holsters last time I went.

I still like going. Fun to search through and find the hidden gems or great deals, though I usually go home empty handed.
For the cost of parking and entrance fees alone, I can make a nice breakfast-for-two for a week.
Now if the was a Barista inside on center stage, I might maybe justify going. But I would definitely want previews first.
Anytime anymore, I quit going to gun shows. My time and money is better spent elsewhere.
I think folks are mostly lamenting a change in the economy. The internet has made brick and mortar sales, and by extension, things like gunshows, a much tougher market to be successful in. Heck, even with shipping and hazardous material fees, you can still beat the gun shows for bulk ammo purchases in many cases - especially once you factor in parking and entrance fees.

I know many folks are looking back on the 'good old days' of gun shows, but I honestly think their time is limited, at least in the numbers they are currently happening. No doubt some good ones will hang on. I remember the days when folks would talk about all the great deals they got at the gun shows, how they would find the parts they need or maybe some ammo, but I rarely hear that any longer. Why spend $25 to find a part you can get at Brownell's for half that price in shipping and save your time. I also get some folks like gun shows are a social outlet for some folks - honestly, that side of it doesn't appeal to me, but I do understand that it's a place for like minded folks to gather and chat - just like here on NWFA. Perhaps it is the thought of losing that social outlet that bothers some folks more?

I just think some are sad that the old way of doing things is changing, but then we all know the only constant in life, is change. Personally, I happen to like the option to shop online and not have to spend half my day out shopping for things. My time is valuable to me. Honestly, if I have a few hours to burn, I'd much rather be at the range. And yes, I'll support the local shops and vendors whenever I can. In fact, I was just talking to my local FFL yesterday about buying my first can sometime next year - and when it's time, he's going to get my business.

I really do wonder how much longer these shows can last in the current economy. People are smart, they'll spend their money where they can get the best deal. There are only so many folks willing to pay a premium to walk the tables.

Now, what I do miss is the old Sandy Barr's Flea Market - we used to hit that place when I was a kid. Best place to find cheap Chinese crap and stolen garbage at good prices ;)
I can attest to Lucky G' statement about costs. Costs have gone up for everyone involving the show, mostly because of cities charging more. Portland has raised the costs on the show organizers several times. As a dealer it costs me roughly $1000 to get an island of 10 tables at a Portland show. Therefore, I'm already 1 grand in the hole when the doors open.
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I gave up on the Expo gunshows more than 10 years ago, when I noticed the change for the worse. As I sit and read all these posts, I wonder to myself if it's us older guys that are remembering what a real good gun show was all about? Maybe, now, they cater to the guys (new generation of shooters) that take their AR's out in our woods and leave garbage and trash all over the place and give the rest of us a bad name? They have to be making some money or they wouldn't be having them. If you guys want to go to better shows, search out the small town shows like the one in Goldendale, Carson, and of course the Oregon arms collectors shows at Jackson Armory and Holiday inn ($3.00 to get in and free parking).
Last time I went to WAC there was a lot of overpriced guns- most of them, especially from the big gun stores that put out tables. But I got some great deals on bulk bullets for reloading- internet prices with no shipping cost- and got a set of good quality combat boot for $12. Guns? Only tempted by one- a Forehand and Wadsworth British Bulldog in .38 S&W. I agonized over that but passed in the end, trying to be financially responsible and all that... then bought a Para-Ord LDA .45 carry at a gun store on the way home. *facepalm.*

The brick-and-mortar thing? It still works just fine if you run a good business. My two favorite local gun stores have very competitive prices and interesting selections; they have no trouble staying in business without inflated prices and jamming up their customers. Having good customer service, reasonable prices and a good reputation goes a long way.
I can attest to Lucky G' statement about costs. Costs have gone up for everyone involving the show, mostly because of cities charging more. Portland has raised the costs on the show organizers several times. As a dealer it costs me roughly $1000 to get an island of 10 tables at a Portland show. Therefore, I'm already 1 grand in the hole when the doors open.

So is it worth it? Do you make enough sales to cover that $1K and still turn a profit?

Seems the only ones really making good money are the event organizers.
There's lots to complain about regarding the gun show. Arrogant vendors, silly parking fees, ammo scalpers, etc. However, I still like going once in a while. Folks in places like Cali, NY, NJ, MA, IL etc can only dream about such things. Yes, I hate it when it's in the smaller hall but usually it's in the main building, especially closer to Christmas time. It's a fantastic event and a great way to kill time on a Saturday. Some people are thrilled to be at the mall, I'm thrilled to be surrounded by many tables of fully fondle ready guns and like minded Americans(who
probably shouldn'tbe fondled).
I'm surprised a wiley, enterprising vendor doesn't show up at one of these shows that are laden with overpriced guns and ammo and folks unwilling to deal - and set up a table with a ton of bulk ammo, reasonably price, .22lr also reasonably priced as well as guns that you're willing to haggle a bit on - THAT vendor would probably due 90%+ of the business in the damn place, and make it well worth their while for the table fees.

I really don't get paying for a table then bringing in a bunch of overpriced crap - who the heck is buying that stuff?
The other vendors would probably lynch him.. kinda like the union guy that actually pounds one more nail in a board than the rest of the guys.


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