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. . . Just look at yesterdays GOA (and several other grassroots orgs) filing in the fishery case. They have nothing to do with the fisheries, but went all in to put an end to chevron deference... which does impact gun owners. They see the bigger picture and have the willingness to act. . . .
My first thought was "Fisheries??? WTF? Why are they spending our donations on that"?
But then I read through the filing. By golly, GOA is actually addressing a failing of the courts that has allowed federal agencies (to the point, ATF) to gather unconsitutional power and act against the interest of the people. In short, GOA is not taking your dollars off on a tangent; instead, GOA is clearly attacking a problem that is adversely impacting firearm owners.
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My first thought was "Fisheries??? WTF? Why are they spending our donations on that".
But then I read through the filing. By golly, GOA is actually addressing a failing of the courts that has allowed federal agencies (to the point, ATF) to gather unconsitutional power and act against the interest of the people. In short, GOA is not taking your dollars off on a tangent; instead, GOA is clearly attacking a problem that is adversely impacting firearm owners.
Exactly. Attacking the root of the problem and putting the burden and accountability back in the legislative branch where it belongs.

I think there is some truth too that congress hasn't made much of a stink about chevron deference and takes advantage of it, when convenient, as a scapegoat to enact rules/laws that would be unpopular with the people. By passing the buck they can avoid accountability to their constituents.

If the doctrine is thrown out it's going to seriously crank up the heat on our elected officials. That's definitely a good thing in my book! đź‘Ť
I think you may be missing the point.

No one is blaming the NRA for the laws being passed. The contention is that they are doing little to nothing to fight back against those illegal infringements. Happily taking in peoples money but not using it for the purpose in which it is intended.... protecting/defending our rights.
^^^ THIS^^^
For nearly 50 Years, OryGun has been in the fight of it's life against the ever encroaching anti gun agenda,, and YET, where was the NRA/ILA! Never a single peep from the Most Powerful Gun Lobby in the World! Time and Time again, when we needed the Most Powerful Gun Lobby in the World to step in, hell, even to show up, …............. Crickets!
Then we got the LEVO church group out of Chitcago, funded by BOTH Giffords and Bloomberg, pushing major gun control on top of OryGuns massive defund the cops and all that, and did the NRA even show up, did they spend a single coin of the realm to fight this before it could be put on a ballot, NOPE, Nuffin but silence from the Most Powerful Gun Lobby in the World, they couldn't be bothered and likely couldn't even find OryGun on a map if they tried!

It's not the NRAs fault that the gun laws get passed, it's Democrat voters. Vote for democrats yet send the NRA money to fight them, that's really dumb.
You really need to step out of your echo chamber diude!

It IS the Phuckin NRA's fault, why do we pay al those millions to them, THE MOST POWERFUL GUN LOBBY promising in all their mailings and phone calls asking us for money to fight, Promising they will stand and fight for our rights, and yet they never show up! Where was the NRA fighting to block this in the courts? Where was the NRA challenging the MSM to report the phuckin TRUTH to the voters? Where was the NRA speaking in public forums to challenge LEVO and it's minions, WHERE THE PHUCK WAS THE NRA when the signature gathering was going on? Again, WHERE WAS THE NRA!

Oh Yea, it's not their fault they took our money, money they promised to use to fight for our rights, Sorry, Wayne needed a new Italian suit and matching kicks, Sorry OryGun, catch ya next time, just like we promised all those hundreds of other times and didn't, but this time will be different, we promise!
You really need to step out of your echo chamber diude!

It IS the Phuckin NRA's fault, why do we pay al those millions to them, THE MOST POWERFUL GUN LOBBY promising in all their mailings and phone calls asking us for money to fight, Promising they will stand and fight for our rights, and yet they never show up! Where was the NRA fighting to block this in the courts? Where was the NRA challenging the MSM to report the phuckin TRUTH to the voters? Where was the NRA speaking in public forums to challenge LEVO and it's minions, WHERE THE PHUCK WAS THE NRA when the signature gathering was going on? Again, WHERE WAS THE NRA!

Oh Yea, it's not their fault they took our money, money they promised to use to fight for our rights, Sorry, Wayne needed a new Italian suit and matching kicks, Sorry OryGun, catch ya next time, just like we promised all those hundreds of other times and didn't, but this time will be different, we promise!
Sometimes you have to repeat the truth 28 times for it to sink in. It's Democrat voters that pass the gun laws.

Yes the NRA gets millions from donations while the Democrats get billions. Democrats control the narrative because they own the media. Democrats run fakebook and control what people read.

You ask where was the NRA, they were canceled so they can't get any word out.

By the time yall wake up the fight will be done.
Sometimes you have to repeat the truth 28 times for it to sink in. It's Democrat voters that pass the gun laws.

Yes the NRA gets millions from donations while the Democrats get billions. Democrats control the narrative because they own the media. Democrats run fakebook and control what people read.

You ask where was the NRA, they were canceled so they can't get any word out.

By the time yall wake up the fight will be done.
I think what he was getting at was that... at the time... 114 was the worst piece of gun control to date. The NRA "could" have placed ads, done billboards, organized and supplied yard signs and pamphlets for distribution, organized rally's and any other number of things that would have helped raise awareness prior to the vote.

As it was, it was left solely to the grassroots folks and out of pocket by many private individuals, which was highly commendable, but the scope was very limited.

Passing by only .06%... it's highly likely that if the scope of the "no on 114" efforts had been greater... it never would have ever even become a "thing".

They also were not anywhere near the forefront in challenging it after it passed.

All things considered, I believe @Ura-Ki is pretty spot on in his assessment.
It's not the NRAs fault that the gun laws get passed, it's Democrat voters. Vote for democrats yet send the NRA money to fight them, that's really dumb.
Are ya completely missin' the part where the NRA is a no-show when it comes to fighting these un-Constitutional "laws"? I'm all for sendin' 'em money, if they show up and do the work, but I'll be damned if I'll send 'em a red cent if they can't be bothered to show up and fight for the rights they claim to want to protect.
I think what he was getting at was that... at the time... 114 was the worst piece of gun control to date. The NRA "could" have placed ads, done billboards, organized and supplied yard signs and pamphlets for distribution, organized rally's and any other number of things that would have helped raise awareness prior to the vote.

As it was, it was left solely to the grassroots folks and out of pocket by many private individuals, which was highly commendable, but the scope was very limited.

Passing by only .06%... it's highly likely that if the scope of the "no on 114" efforts had been greater... it never would have ever even become a "thing".

They also were not anywhere near the forefront in challenging it after it passed.

All things considered, I believe @Ura-Ki is pretty spot on in his assessment.
I get it, I understand fully that once a person accepts the truth the he is morally bound. The truth being that democrats are the soul responsible party for creating 114. Anyone who supports the Democrat party is partially responsible for 114, even if they didn't vote for it they did vote for democrats to run the state.

Here we are blaming the NRA saying they could have stopped 114, the NRA isn't to blame at all. Could they have done more? Why keep throwing money at a Democrat state when the voters keep voting in democrats and gun controls?

There is a time you quit throwing money into what you can't fix.
Are ya completely missin' the part where the NRA is a no-show when it comes to fighting these un-Constitutional "laws"? I'm all for sendin' 'em money, if they show up and do the work, but I'll be damned if I'll send 'em a red cent if they can't be bothered to show up and fight for the rights they claim to want to protect.
To my point of view, why spend money and time protecting people's gun rights when the people just vote them away.

Again yall blame 114 on the NRA, who created 114 and got it on the ballot? Who voted for it?
Here we are blaming the NRA saying they could have stopped 114, the NRA isn't to blame at all. Could they have done more? Why keep throwing money at a Democrat state when the voters keep voting in democrats and gun controls?

There is a time you quit throwing money into what you can't fix.
Because a defeatist attitude and not making your best effort to combat these types of infringements becomes a self fulfilling prophecy(??)

Just like, "I'm not going to vote because it doesn't make any difference"... when in essence... not voting against it is exactly the same as voting "for" it by not cancelling a "for" vote toward infringements.

I get that the woke rule, but 114 was a voter initiative. If more had been aware of what it really entailed or more that were completely unaware of it even being on the ballot had been made aware and voted against... it very well may have turned that .06% the other direction.

Water under the bridge.... but there is no denying that there was a complete absence of the NRA prior to the vote. No one expects them to win every battle, but if a person is sending them their hard earned cash.... they at least expect them to "show up".

Just sayin....
Because a defeatist attitude and not making your best effort to combat these types of infringements becomes a self fulfilling prophecy(??)

Just like, "I'm not going to vote because it doesn't make any difference"... when in essence... not voting against it is exactly the same as voting "for" it by not cancelling a "for" vote toward infringements.

I get that the woke rule, but 114 was a voter initiative. If more had been aware of what it really entailed or more that were completely unaware of it even being on the ballot had been made aware and voted against... it very well may have turned that .06% the other direction.

Water under the bridge.... but there is no denying that there was a complete absence of the NRA prior to the vote. No one expects them to win every battle, but if a person is sending them their hard earned cash.... they at least expect them to "show up".

Just sayin....
It isn't defeatist to put your money where it does the most good, the west coast is lost until the voters wake up and vote for progun politics. It's going to take a hard kick to the gonads for democrats to wake up, it's probably to late judging by the response of those blaming the NRA for what the democrats do.

Anyway its time to move on, the truth has been spoken and folks accept it or don't.

Later gents.
It isn't defeatist to put your money where it does the most good, the west coast is lost until the voters wake up and vote for progun politics. It's going to take a hard kick to the gonads for democrats to wake up, it's probably to late judging by the response of those blaming the NRA for what the democrats do.

Anyway its time to move on, the truth has been spoken and folks accept it or don't.

Later gents.
And again... as has been said repeatedly... no one is blaming the NRA for what the democrats do. Only blaming them for not showing up to combat the narrative or challenge the woke fueled infringements.

The constitution and the law is on our side, regardless of what the woke agenda is, but it takes money and an organization able and willing to challenge those laws. That's the whole point. Before, during or after.... where is the NRA??🤔

It's fine to agree to disagree, but there really is no denying that in OR... they've been AWOL.. and that doesn't just impact OR but the nation if these laws are left standing.
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Why keep throwing money at a Democrat state when the voters keep voting in democrats and gun controls?

There is a time you quit throwing money into what you can't fix.
I guess if you further that.... and what you say is true... that the NRA has decided the West coast is a lost cause not worth the cost or effort to "save"... then wouldn't it be logically justifiable for everyone on the West coast to stop funding the NRA?

What would be the point of contributing money to an organization with no practical benefit or return? Or rather... wouldn't it make more sense to contribute to other organizations still willing to fight against infringements within our state... which is where I think many folks are at right now.

Just sayin.....
To my point of view, why spend money and time protecting people's gun rights when the people just vote them away.

Again yall blame 114 on the NRA, who created 114 and got it on the ballot? Who voted for it?
The law is un-Constitutional. THAT is where they should be spending their time and our money. Prove to those on the left and those that are easily manipulated that they will get their cranks stepped on when they try to pass such Bravo Sierra laws.
There will always be idiots that will vote for such things. There also needs to be adults in the room to spank them on their diapered asses and send them to their room without supper when they do dumb things.
The law is un-Constitutional. THAT is where they should be spending their time and our money.
I think that's where the whole, "cutting their losses and abandoning the west to their fate" argument starts to fall apart. No matter how blue the state or by what margin an unconstitutional law is passed by the people... be it 50.6% or 80%.. inalienable rights cannot be voted away.

Failing to challenge them is inexcusable and it would have been a whole lot cheaper to fight it before the vote than after the fact in court.
I guess if you further that.... and what you say is true... that the NRA has decided the West coast is a lost cause not worth the cost or effort to "save"... then wouldn't it be logically justifiable for everyone on the West coast to stop funding the NRA?

What would be the point of contributing money to an organization with no practical benefit or return? Or rather... wouldn't it make more sense to contribute to other organizations still willing to fight against infringements within our state... which is where I think many folks are at right now.

Just sayin.....
And that is precisely what I just did. Minutes ago, I finished hitting the web sites for each of the gun rights groups that leaped into the court battle as soon as the election results came in. I've now brought my annual contributions up to the same level for each of them.

NRA used to be on my donation list, but they saw the last of my money after I contributed to NRA-ILA & extended my membership into the next millenium, and NRA only sent me a flashlight (that wouldn't hold a charge) and ghosted the whole left coast. Still not quite believing they actually went AWOL in the face of the worst attack on firearm owners that the PNW has ever seen. Isn't there someone here who can reveal how the NRA worked behind the scenes to help stave off those ballot initiatives, or publicly decried the measures once they hit the ballot, or jumped into court instantly after the voters bubblegumed us? Anyone?
I guess if you further that.... and what you say is true... that the NRA has decided the West coast is a lost cause not worth the cost or effort to "save"... then wouldn't it be logically justifiable for everyone on the West coast to stop funding the NRA?

What would be the point of contributing money to an organization with no practical benefit or return? Or rather... wouldn't it make more sense to contribute to other organizations still willing to fight against infringements within our state... which is where I think many folks are at right now.

Just sayin.....
That would be the correct response, quit sending money if the NRA won't help and get out of the Democrat Party and become an independent voter.
Decades ago the NRA divided itself into two sides, the political side that does the work is the Institute for Legislative Action. Not all the donations go there but they should. Sometime look up how much money they get and where they spend it. Then if you want to keep your money you will have a reason why.

Any of you guys ever look into the NRA, know who does what and how their system works?

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