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I've never cared for the "all or nothing" mindset, personally. I remember my sister telling me once how I really needed to change my diet to sugar-free, or gluten-free, I forget which. Anyhow, I told her I didn't see the point in a strict absolute diet; couldn't I cut out half the sugar (or gluten) and get some improvement, if it was a problem? No, absolutely not, it has to be all or nothing, she said. OK then, count me out.

Same sort of thing in politics, so much all or nothing:
"My vote doesn't matter, so I'm not going to bother", and just as bad - "The candidate on our side isn't pure enough on MY issue, so I can't compromise my principles to vote for them". Yeah, so the other guy gets elected instead, who's a hundred times worse. That makes a lot of sense - a lot of NONSENSE! :) I don't see a little pragmatism in politics as being such a terrible thing.

As to vegans and veganism, it's not a diet, per se, or even a lifestyle. It's a religion, and an extreme, fundamentalist religion at that.
One of the hypocrisies that I've thought was mildly humorous with vegans in general, is they say humans need to "evolve" past their animal nature, past the basic biological need for our bodies to consume animal protein as we always have, and ascend to a higher level or some such.

Then on the other hand, most of these same people believe that when it comes to other natural biological processes (sex), you need to let it all hang out, follow your basest drives, desires, and animal instincts with whoever, whatever, whenever the urge strikes, because after all, we're just animals, and that's the natural thing to do....
If I ate half as much gluten as I had been eating, I probably would have died within the year. I was already seriously ill. If you have celiac disease you need to eliminate gluten entirely. Or your intestine or in my case entire digestive track erodes its lining with the symptoms I already described. That took just three swallows of a beverage that had wheat in it but wasnt so labeled. On the other hand, when I decided to cut back on sugar I didn't count the sugar in raw fruit. Or modest amounts in cooked food. Or anything eaten in restaurants since I eat out so rarely. I just stopped buying and bringing home anything with huge amounts of sugar like candy and cookies. That seems to work well enough to keep me gradually and effortlessly losing weight instead of the reverse. But I look both ways before crossing a busy street every time, not just half the time. There's not one single rule such as all or nothing or completely rejecting all or nothing that works for all situations.

The vegans I've known did not have or promote the sort of sex life you are describing. But I also consider it a religion rather than just a diet or life style.

As for compromising when voting -- interesting issue. When both parties utterly abandon you on every issue you care about but one promises you more but never does anything or only does trivially better than the other party, the only voting strategy that will work is for vast parts of the electorate to refuse to vote at all. That of course accomplishes nothing in the immediate election. But it can encourage the out-of-power party to reconsider its positions and serious third party candidates to run next time. If we always vote however unappealing the candidates, the parties continue their behavior of just trying to get a few more votes next time so as to barely win the election while continuing to use their positions to make personal fortunes themselves and continuing to destroy the country.
The Netherlands is in the process of eliminating farmers, probably mostly small farmers. Individualism is an anathema to governments.
Actually, Netherlands seems to be attacking all its farmers, large or small. It makes no sense at all. I couldn't figure out why even after reading several stories about it. They have the most advanced farming system in Europe.
My dad had Celiac. I'm well aware of how serious it is, and the necessity of those who have it to avoid gluten completely. What I was talking about was the trend of going gluten free when there's no clear medical necessity.

As to the sex lives of vegans, I don't know any vegans closely enough to know any personal intimate details. I was making a general observation about radical progressives, veganism to some degree being part of that.

As to the politics, I disagree, but you do you.

Apparently I've offended you inadvertently somewhere along the line. If so, I assure you it was not intentional. This isn't the first time you've picked apart a post I've made with your "vast and superior knowledge". Maybe you do it to a lot of people, but it's not the best way to win friends and influence people.
My dad had Celiac. I'm well aware of how serious it is, and the necessity of those who have it to avoid gluten completely. What I was talking about was the trend of going gluten free when there's no clear medical necessity.

As to the sex lives of vegans, I don't know any vegans closely enough to know any personal intimate details. I was making a general observation about radical progressives, veganism to some degree being part of that.

As to the politics, I disagree, but you do you.

Apparently I've offended you inadvertently somewhere along the line. If so, I assure you it was not intentional. This isn't the first time you've picked apart a post I've made with your "vast and superior knowledge". Maybe you do it to a lot of people, but it's not the best way to win friends and influence people.
Huh? No. You didn't offend me at all in any way, @CLT65 . Thought we were just talking. Didn't think I was picking apart your posts. Thought I was giving legit responses to legit questions. Yes, I do answer in detail with questions of this sort. With everyone. Some people seem to appreciate it. And it is an area in which I do have extensive knowledge, both personal and theoretical. Consider yourself lucky. I considered describing the chemical structure of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, but refrained. :p

As for the trend of some people going gluten free without having celiac disease...
Its apparently so that some people feel much better on a gluten free diet even if they don't have celiac disease. Apparently there are more ways of not being able to deal with wheat than just celiac disease. Or alternatively, maybe all the people who have problems with wheat are all celiacs but not all react with the classic self-destruction of the lining of their small intestine that shows up in small intestine biopsy. But they may have chronic diarhea, abdominal pain, inflamation, and even depression, all of which goes away on a gluten free diet and returns if they go back to eating gluten. In that case a gluten free diet is a reasonable choice.

Some people, however, are choosing to go gluten free or gluten reduced for no apparent reason. They've just decided that because gluten is bad for some people its bad for everyone. This is presumably the group you meant when you said "the trend of going gluten free when there is no medical necessity." It puzzles me too. If I was going to give up a food for no real reason I sure wouldn't choose wheat.

As for voting, I've voted in every election since I moved to Oregon in 1979. And always for real candidates. But I did seriously consider writing in Mickey Mouse for Pres in 2016.
That's definitely "rigid". :D

How about that Bi-Mart affiliated company? I think it's Cascade Outdoors. They're opening one in the Thurston area soon. Saw they had Buffalo 9mm on sale right now for $9.99/box and Federal Champion .22LR $19.99 for 325 rounds. Seems like pretty decent pricing. (Just as an example. I'm already flush for 9mm and .22LR.)

Will they sell a shotgun to an 18 year old?


99.9% of businesses in the US are "small businesses".

47.5% (58.9 million) of all Americans are employed by small businesses .

Edit. For some reason, 58.9 million doesn't come that close to 1/2 of 300+ million?

Edit 2. It would make more sense if it said all taxpayer/working Americans :rolleyes:
Most businesses are small businesses, but what percent of all revenue comes from the .1% of the businesses that are big?

Disproportionately, I bet.

Will they sell a shotgun to an 18 year old?

Cascade Farm and Outdoors. It's not even open yet. :s0092: I think the closest one right now is Keizer. I've never been there.

I still shop at Bi-Mart, but I no longer say- "If Bi-Mart doesn't sell it, I don't need it." It's not what it once was, but still better than most in my opinion. My rant on Bi-Mart is the Coleman hiking boots. I wore those for years, until they turned to garbage. Now I bite the bullet and pay more for Keen or Merrell hikers elsewhere.
As to diet and vegetarianism, I do think that everyone is a little different, and some do better on one type of food than others.
Yes! The individual distinctiveness of individual human dietary needs is greatly underappreciated. Especially in USA, where we come from a mixture of people whose genes evolved in different cultures adapted to different diets. So many people have to figure out their biological dietary needs for themselves. And for a long time government food aid and free School lunches depended heavily on powdered milk and cheese. And most Africans and many African Americans are lactose intolerant.
Has anybody here tried cutting way back on animal products? What were the results?

Even if you don't give a hoot about environment or animal welfare, the cost savings could make it worthwhile. Most animal products especially the higher quality products are pretty expensive. Grains, legumes, etc are pretty cheap.
Being an extreme cheapskate, I am always looking to save a buck on groceries.
Cascade Farm and Outdoors. It's not even open yet. :s0092: I think the closest one right now is Keizer. I've never been there.

I still shop at Bi-Mart, but I no longer say- "If Bi-Mart doesn't sell it, I don't need it." It's not what it once was, but still better than most in my opinion. My rant on Bi-Mart is the Coleman hiking boots. I wore those for years, until they turned to garbage. Now I bite the bullet and pay more for Keen or Merrell hikers elsewhere.
I asked the question because Bi Mart went virtue signaling after a mass shooting and decided not to sell shotguns and long guns to 18-20 year olds, thereby violating their rights.

Dead to me from that moment.

I asked the question because Bi Mart went virtue signaling after a mass shooting and decided not to sell shotguns and long guns to 18-20 year olds, thereby violating their rights.

Dead to me from that moment.

Hmm... I just went to Bi-Mart's online site and found this:

It indicates you must be 18 to purchase long guns and 21 for handguns in Oregon.
Huh? No. You didn't offend me at all in any way, @CLT65 . Thought we were just talking. Didn't think I was picking apart your posts. Thought I was giving legit responses to legit questions. Yes, I do answer in detail with questions of this sort. With everyone. Some people seem to appreciate it. And it is an area in which I do have extensive knowledge, both personal and theoretical. Consider yourself lucky. I considered describing the chemical structure of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, but refrained. :p
I guess I took it the wrong way then. It's often hard to tell on a forum. I apologize.

Forums have been my only social media, and I've only been on a few over the years, and usually only one at a time, as they tend to run their course. I have learned a few things over the years, usually the hard way. It's easy to get offended, and I've developed thicker skin, though sometimes not thick enough.

It's also easy to offend. One of the easiest ways to do that is to come off as a know-it-all, or especially to take someone's post and pick it apart line by line. When you do that, you're telling the other person that they're not only wrong, but ignorant and probably stupid as well.

You may not mean to imply that, but that's how most people will take it. When you constantly tell someone how wrong you think they are, it will certainly feel like a personal attack, and not just for the thin-skinned among us. I have a good friend who seems to think it's his duty to tell me each and every time he thinks I'm wrong. To be honest, he's pretty tiresome to be around, even though he's someone I trust and care about. Once in a while is enough, and maybe only on important things, and maybe in a more careful and humble manner. That's all I try to do.

I don't claim to have any special insight into human nature, but I have learned to be very careful how I tell someone I think they're wrong, and most of the time I don't bother because there's no point in it. Sure, they (or myself) shouldn't be so thin-skinned, but the fragile human ego is a basic fact of human nature, and a wise person recognizes and respects that.

And yeah, I was still a bit miffed by your reply to a post of mine on another topic and another thread. It was a personal family thing and the way you replied offended me. I realize now that you most likely had no idea how you came across.

And please don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean to offend, but if you had described the "chemical structure of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids", I would really just wonder why.
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This article from a likely hard-core vegan came up in my Google search feed yesterday. Essentially the author is shaming pescatarians for eating fish and not going all in with vegan or vegetarian diet.
I used to live in S. E. VA. PETA national HQ is on the waterfront in Norfolk. There was a local fishing club that used to hold an annual get together and fish fry right in front of the HQ building. They would all bring their barbeques and spend the day fishing and then grill their catch right there and chow down, just to piss the PETA folks off.

Good times.
I guess I took it the wrong way then. It's often hard to tell on a forum. I apologize.

Forums have been my only social media, and I've only been on a few over the years, and usually only one at a time, as they tend to run their course. I have learned a few things over the years, usually the hard way. It's easy to get offended, and I've developed thicker skin, though sometimes not thick enough.

It's also easy to offend. One of the easiest ways to do that is to come off as a know-it-all, or especially to take someone's post and pick it apart line by line. When you do that, you're telling the other person that they're not only wrong, but ignorant and probably stupid as well.

You may not mean to imply that, but that's how most people will take it. When you constantly tell someone how wrong you think they are, it will certainly feel like a personal attack, and not just for the thin-skinned among us. I have a good friend who seems to think it's his duty to tell me each and every time he thinks I'm wrong. To be honest, he's pretty tiresome to be around, even though he's someone I trust and care about. Once in a while is enough, and maybe only on important things, and maybe in a more careful and humble manner. That's all I try to do.

I don't claim to have any special insight into human nature, but I have learned to be very careful how I tell someone I think they're wrong, and most of the time I don't bother because there's no point in it. Sure, they (or myself) shouldn't be so thin-skinned, but the fragile human ego is a basic fact of human nature, and a wise person recognizes and respects that.

And yeah, I was still a bit miffed by your reply to a post of mine on another topic and another thread. It was a personal family thing and the way you replied offended me. I realize now that you most likely had no idea how you came across.

And please don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean to offend, but if you had described the "chemical structure of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids", I would really just wonder why.
Translation: Be and act entirely different so I and others like me will like you better.
My Answer: No.
Suggestion: If you don't like someone on this forum or don't like their style just put them on Ignore.
What I actually said was that I personally have changed the way I interact with people over the years, to try and avoid needlessly offending others. I misunderstood your tone and intent, and was trying to explain why.

I'm trying to be nice. Im sure you're a nice person. I just thought you might want to know if you come across wrong and are misunderstood sometimes. I guess not.
What I actually said was that I personally have changed the way I interact with people over the years, to try and avoid needlessly offending others. I misunderstood your tone and intent, and was trying to explain why.

I'm trying to be nice. Im sure you're a nice person. I just thought you might want to know if you come across wrong and are misunderstood sometimes. I guess not.
I think you both got a little lost in the weeds on this one. At least neither of you went all-in. :D

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There are times when things said in a virtual environment simply cannot be accurately portrayed. As such I've learned to be a very forgiving person as long as I know nothing said was intentional, which is clearly the case here.
Group hug.
I have a very short ignore list, and it's reserved for jerks and trolls, and you are absolutely neither in any way. I've read a lot of your posts over the years, and you contribute a lot to this place.

We got off on the wrong foot here. I'm on edge and over-the-top stressed for personal reasons right now and misunderstood your tone. I apologized and tried to explain. My explanation was poorly done, so for that I also apologize.
Photo credit ~ MTpockets
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