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We're still seeing people gladly wearing masks because the "Government" harped on it for two years. They lifted it, and then the stats indicated infections increased and a huge % of the populace dutifully, (gladly?) strapped the diapers back on. I walked into the The Hollywood Fred Meyer's yesterday and the 3-4 employees I first saw were all wearing the face diaper. I had to walk by one young guy, maybe 30, and asked if Fred's is still making you guys wear the face diaper. He responded no, and that he was wearing it because he didn't want to get covid again. I had to bite my tongue so I didn't' say what I was thinking. Well, you'll be well prepared for a fine collar and leash next time won't you!

I'm stunned every day with what I see has happened to people in the last two years. If they can train such a large number of Americans to wear masks, regardless of age or susceptibility to this, rather tame, virus, seems like they could easily get the majority of Americans to submit to marshal law.

In the large population areas. First. We'd be screwed.
Does someone else wearing a mask effect you. No. Then STFU and move on.
Does someone else wearing a mask effect you. No. Then STFU and move on.
As a matter of fact it does, sometimes, when were talking young people that have bought into all the lies of the past six years. So, I'll speak when I feel like. I know now you don't like when I speak my mind , so you can STFU.

Thanks now!
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As a matter of fact it does, sometimes, when were talking young people that have bought into all the lies of the past six years. So, I'll speak when I feel like. I know now you don't like when I speak my mind , so you can STFU, FHOO.

Thanks now!
They're going to get you with their Jewish space lasers!
As a matter of fact it does, sometimes, when were talking young people that have bought into all the lies of the past six years. So, I'll speak when I feel like. I know now you don't like when I speak my mind , so you can STFU.

Thanks now!
Enlighten me how someone else wearing a mask effects you.
Communist China's "oppressive" government:

In a Junior High Civics/History class, our teacher was a Medic nearly fresh out of Viet Nam. He had perspectives about communism and capitalism that were refreshing and new (to those of us who were interested and paid attention). We learned both systems, top to bottom, and this was his way of conveying to us that FOR US, capitalism and democracy was far and away a better deal.

Since a large portion of the student body was made up of military brats (Air Force base nearby), he asked if any of our fathers had served in WWII in the Pacific Theater, and had visited China during or shortly after the war. I was one of a small group who could answer in the affirmative.

He gave us a homework assignment that directed us to ask our fathers what they thought about Communism in China, since they had seen the nationalistic/capitalistic Republic of China (under Chiang Kai-shek).

I was certain my Dad of nearly 30 years service in the military (Navy and Air Force), a current Master Sergeant and a born crew-cut hard-arse would be all over that Communist crap. He'd give me lots of material to dump on that teacher about what he thought of Communism, for sure.

So, without much fanfare, I asked Dad straight up: "What do you think about Communism in China, since you got to see it before they became Communist?"

Dad got pretty quiet and serious, and answered only, "From what I saw when I was there for two months, and how those people lived and existed, ANYTHING would have been better for them. ANYTHING."

When I delivered this to the teacher, he beamed knowingly. I keep that lesson forefront in my mind in any related discussion.
I don't like having pictures of my junk blasted on the net. Maybe I'm just more a private person, but I've always found it odd that people want to show off so much. It's not the guberment I'm so concerned about, rather it's that certain people will cause problems.

Agreed. More of a need to know, and for 'what functional purpose' would be accomplished. For example, it's fine having a great body, and unless we wish to be known as an 'exhibitionist', it's best to keep it under wraps. This is how mature people live together.
I can understand how some people may NOT want to be in a picture with firearms or with some OBJECT that they might consider a NO NO due to their own government's spying. Foreign governments.

(YOUR own government in the USA has been spying on it's own citizens for some time too. THAT is not some conspiracy theory too.)

Especially in SOME foreign countries where such things are considered subversive or even CRIMINAL for a citizen to own or without special permissions, multiple ones, special training, etc. from some top .gov officials.

And with that said, some people really do NOT like firearms - PERIOD. To each their own!

It may NOT only be 'fear' of something that they do not know much about (Ignorance and lack of exposure.) or the Safety Issues - they just do NOT LIKE firearms.

So with that said, I would NOT always want to SHOW some people any object, NOT only a firearm or knife or any such THING, to a new person that I did NOT know well who was born stateside or NOT just for the heck of it. And that goes for some related people or NOT related people.

Some people might think that it was RUDE, forward, not showing good manners and some may feel that you are showing off your wealth or STUFF. They may take YOU or your actions totally WRONG even if that was NEVER your intention from the gitgo too!

I sure would not RUN and get MY x, y or z worth ANY amount of money or a gun/knife to show someone NEW TO ME those items of MINE at a dinner table or in any other place in MY home UNLESS they asked about such things and they WANTED TO SEE what something LOOKED LIKE. Even if they would NOT want to hold it worse off have a PICTURE TAKEN of them with a GUN or knife or whatever else in said picture!

AND if they = the GUEST ASKED out of curiosity - wondering how that subject even came UP in a conversation with ME, it would TOTALLY DEPEND on the person - guest - relation or NOT related at all, and I MIGHT CONSIDER IT RUDE OR STRANGE FOR THEM TO ASK ABOUT MY OWN PERSONAL BELONGINGS TOO! Plus I can think of some people that I would NOT show what I owned in the PAST worse off what little is here firearm wise in our home NOW. I sure would NOT get out my knives or the last 2 rifles of mine that I gifted to my husband but I still shoot.

I sure would not show the NEW GUEST the RF ammunition stock which is LESS now, a bit of CF ammunition or my husband's reloading stock which is LESS now too.

I don't OPEN UP my checkbook, my husband's checkbook and/or OUR checkbook to some stranger too.

The anti gun CROWD, other whining weenies, many Million Mommy Marcher types, went after U.S. KIDS in their homes where their parents and the KIDS had a RED RYDER 1938 REPLICA RIFLE for crying out loud in a picture on Social Media or when they were being home schooled during the plandemic.


Some of the parents had the POLICE SHOW UP at their doors due to some of those VIEWERS. They did this to kids and young adults, males and females, who had their hunting pictures show up with their first deer too.

So I would NOT judge any person for how it IS in their OWN country or in some parts of the USA especially when stateside and foreign people are even DOXING THEM or trying to get them FIRED or thrown out of some program or university.

LOOK at what happened to people in some restaurants - they got into trouble for being conservative in some cases even if some of them NEVER VOTED for Trump or Hill and were for OTHER candidates!

They had FAR left (And FAR right!) people and their own POLITICIANS telling people to get UP in their faces and shut them up or FIGHT.

Plus some were told to do other things by some other politicians and presidents even in THIS OWN COUNTRY!

When Bush 2 and algore were running and they had the CHAD BALLOT ISSUES going on... a UNITED KINGDOM paper, one for sure if not more, PUBLISHED the names and addresses with the people's POLITICAL PARTIES listed in their papers. Those names, addresses and designated parties came from MY former state and from some other states and they PUT THEM in a UK paper!

NO kidding and it was ALL OVER THE NEWS here in U.S. newspapers, overseas and in my former LOCAL PAPERS. They went for specific counties and townships not for the entire state!


WHEN you choose to OPT OUT and demand to be private - they will not do that at all. So I told the B of E that they could KISS MY BUTT and I was getting ready to move down the road too. I voted one last time back there and it was NO for some higher taxes. IT was my LAST vote in that state before I moved and after my late husband died.

People who got doxed by the UK paper/papers had some LOCAL reporters show UP at their homes and farms. OTHER people who were for Bush 2 or algore and hated the other side got into fights or their homes got vandalized according to what the local news said and SHOWED. The hatred was bad at the time but the HATRED is much worse now. IT comes from BOTH SIDES. So we got Crazy Land and Senile Land... some choice, eh?! LOL

Got to love the con men, the con women, the liars, the thieves, the tax avoiders, the foreign governments paying off the R and L politicians, the GRIFTERS, the crooked relatives, the effing PNAC supporters in both parties, the warmongers, the hookers/dope/booze/paid off porn - sleep around women/men and all of their connections, etc.

God help us while this country loses it's mind some more and we continue to slide into more CRAZY LAND, SENILE LAND, BROKE LAND - depression and WW3 with the effing INMATES running the asylum for the last x amount of years with the Ds and the Rs!

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I don't care if people wear masks or not. It is their face/body not mine.

SHUT DOWNS, the erosion of ALL liberties, the HUGE ECONOMIC HARM - The Great Reset, money scams, .gov scams, FORCING masks, people going bat s crazy and getting into PHYSICAL fights, shooting clerks, murdering clerks and other people and tons more salami did MORE HARM to America and it was caused by the L and the R. Stupid policies and people lapped up the propaganda from all sides in the past and it is still going on.

I do believe that MASKS did cause MORE physical issues (Medical facts already stated. Breathing issues, infections (ENT/lung/mouth/lips.) and skin rashes.) and emotional issues for little KIDS.

IT was all about CONTROL.

Just like gun control = people control.

I see some people in a vehicle alone or out in the woods/wilderness wearing one and they are ALL ALONE!

I think it is kind of dumb but it is up to THEM and not me.

I don't think that we should be told to wear them or not to wear them.

IT should NOT be required unless you are doing surgery or assisting in a surgery.

When my sinuses get goofy or when the cottonwood trees blow their 'snow' - I wear a paper mask sometimes. IT had/has nothing to do with the 'flu' and I have done this in the PAST too. Just like when the horrific forest fire smoke just about KILLS you out here - it calls for a better mask.

Old Lady Cate
Rust shooting evidence has been scrubbed from Sheriff's website

Looks like Alec's payoff $$$ has been received :s0023:

It does not shock me though.

I have been watching things go BYE BYE off the WWWeb especially since 2001.

Heavy duty time - I have seen it up close and personal as a NEWS/POLITICAL JUNKIE since I was 12 years old MANY YEARS AGO but MUCH MORE since computers came into vogue for personal HOME USE computers from the late 90's.

My husband and close friends have seen this ONLINE too. I am sure you have seen it too.

I have seen it off of some FEDERAL .gov websites AND off of many other agencies - their own OFFICIAL websites from a to z.

State and Local STUFF thrown into the FEDS STUFF not just OFF of some other HISTORICAL links, TIME FRAMES and DETAILED explanations including WITNESSES testimonies.

THIS SO CALLED SCRUBBING ONLINE pertains to MANY subject matters from a to z too!

Throw in OFFICAL hearings and debates too.

So what I am talking about are not only OFFICIAL investigations that have to do with shootings, knife attacks, other types of attacks - REAL criminal matters or so called, ahem, accidents - discharges - etc. when it comes to GUNS.

THIS deal with AB in MY opinion was NO ACCIDENT.

It is much worse now and I mean it is BAD when it comes to SCRUBBING things off of the internet. SPECIFIC SUBJECT MATTERS - you know the speech! LOL

Some of this goes into shadow banning - HIDING or having to do some real searches online in SPECIFIC subject matters.

And that goes for OLD news items and not just newer so called NEWS (LOL) items that are historical with facts, .gov links, pictures, longer film footages from a to z, debates and tons more.

Heck, most Americans DO NOT CARE about all of THIS with AB other than saying GUNS ARE EVIL (HE is on a RANT about this himself NOW - another PR moment for him.) or this is a SAD STORY and in other so called news.

They do not even KNOW what is being SPENT with their tax dollar money while they do WITHOUT or shell out more of their hard earned working and retirement money/income and MEANWHILE some .gov people and NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS are getting their CUT and payoffs (%%% $$$ !!!) with the LATEST 40 BILLION U.S. DOLLARS WITH A B AS IN BOY - 40 BILLION more dollars - money being sent to YOU KNOW WHERE. Ugh.

What is the BIG MAN'S CUT (President Biden's) and what are the other Ds, Rs, PIG - SON Hunter's, Joe Biden's BROTHER, and the CROOKED - ON THE TAKE PRESIDENT Z. (Spit!) and his OWN freaking gang OVER THERE in the effing UKRAINE MAKING OFF OF THIS LATEST DEAL announced all over again on Wednesday?!

Dang, all of them stateside and including Z and his GANG over THERE make the MOB and the MAFIA look like altar boys for sure!

YOU keep the money, goods and the biased media rolling or I will SQUEAL LIKE A PIG is Z. and his gang's MOTTO.

Plus throw in the WEF's female dog. NATO threats.

What do you think that the sheriff's department MADE off of this and what deal did HOLLY-WEIRD MAKE with them and the STATE to KEEP THE MONEY ROLLING INTO THEIR STATE FOR MAKING MOVIES?

WE KNOW about the TAKE, the CUT %%% and money from our own officials when it comes to the BIG MAN and all of those ties. ON THE RECORD which most Americans continue to ignore as they did with OTHER D and R POLITICAL FIGURES all along.

We do not KNOW and have NOT SEEN in black/white what actually passed hands yet or I may have MISSED that part of this story.

The STUFF with THE BIG MAN is backed up and proven with FOIA and other documents not just emails and with ALL KINDS OF FINANCIAL RECORDS with many banks - bank statements - other financial FUNDS - statements and VARIOUS international governments and NOT just with proven - documented EMAILS. Hunter, Joe's brother, other BUSINESS partners, Kerry's ties, etc. and they DO INCLUDE the Ukraine, CHINA and some other countries TIES.

ARE their bank statements or GIFTS that have been SHOWN online yet in the AB story?

I do NOT doubt that someone got PAID OFF in some WAY but I would like to SEE IT with my own eyes.

Or they, AB and others, made a DEAL with Holly-weird to keep on making MOVIES in that state.

Old Lady Cate
Rust shooting evidence has been scrubbed from Sheriff's website

Looks like Alec's payoff $$$ has been received :s0023:


Thank you!

Old Lady Cate
PS: I need to do a BLACKROCK and others (Financial companies.) involved story on this forum or ELSEWHERE online when it comes to their HUGE BUYOUTS of more and more real estate AND the buying up of INSURANCE COMPANIES while closing up other ones (Store fronts, agencies, etc.) all across this nation.

Plus other BUY OUTS. I mentioned Blackrock a long time ago on here and it did not get much attention. People better open up their DANG EYES!
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I am confused now.

The OTHER AB story, LONG THREAD, got SHUT DOWN - closed up NOT too long ago.

I thought that I was posting on ANOTHER AB thread until I just saw the TITLE of this thread.

Was ANOTHER AB thread deleted, moved to LA LA LAND or what now?

Some OTHER stuff on here was deleted or moved again on Wednesday.

I can't keep up with it all or maybe I should just stop.

Old Lady Cate
I am confused now.

The OTHER AB story, LONG THREAD, got SHUT DOWN - closed up NOT too long ago.

I thought that I was posting on ANOTHER AB thread until I just saw the TITLE of this thread.

Was ANOTHER AB thread deleted, moved to LA LA LAND or what now?

Some OTHER stuff on here was deleted or moved again on Wednesday.

I can't keep up with it all or maybe I should just stop.

Old Lady Cate
Yup, the AB threads get shut down cuz we get a troll infection and then we have to take our medicine.
It cures us for a while, but then the infection pops up again a little while later in a different thread. It's a lot like crabs...:rolleyes:
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Crabs you can cure.
Herpes is for life.
Yeah, but herpes pops up in the same place every time, whereas crabs can pop up anywhere...
That makes it difficult to make the same analogy as I did above with a closed thread... ;)
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Thank you!

Old Lady Cate
PS: I need to do a BLACKROCK and others (Financial companies.) involved story on this forum or ELSEWHERE online when it comes to their HUGE BUYOUTS of more and more real estate AND the buying up of INSURANCE COMPANIES while closing up other ones (Store fronts, agencies, etc.) all across this nation.

Plus other BUY OUTS. I mentioned Blackrock a long time ago on here and it did not get much attention. People better open up their DANG EYES!
I've learned about this from a couple sources, The Seattle Real Estate Podcast (realtor) and Greg Mannarino (financial guy) on YouTube. Plan is to pay seller $$$ over asking and say, "'we don't need no stinkin home inspection, here's cash" ... and that property will become a SFR (single family rental) forever.
Posts #121, #122 and #123
Yeah....there were other posts too.

So then, just a reminder.

Aloha, Mark

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