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I can't find any text on these, I see the titles but that's it. I want to know if I say NO, HNO or FNO.
LOL! I like your attitude. :s0114:

Use the links near the center of my original post, which I'll repeat here:

1. HB1618 Prohibiting weapons at election-related offices,
2. HB1630 Restrictions on the possession of weapons in certain locations,
3. HB1705 Concerning ghost guns,

Click one of those links, then scroll down to the Available Documents section, then click 'Original Bill.' That will give you the full text of the bill.
Write to EVERY legislator.....not just the ones in your district!
Unk IF any of these people will read them but it sure can't hurt to send something to them.
I wrote a long letter and addressed the fallacies in the bills one by one. I wish I could write something short and sweet but I had to address the issues in the bills. I was pretty sure F you wasn't going to fly.

I had to break the email addy's into sections in order to send them. I wrote to every damn one of these people on these bills.


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I'm sending this to every state legislator because I don't know where individuals may or may not stand on these issues. If it doesn't apply to your position/views, then don't take it personally. You may or may not find this of any interest but I take it to heart because it lies within the aspects of every individuals constitutional rights to be free of illegal actions by some elected individuals seeking to limit the constitutional rights of EVERY AMERICAN, including YOU!

When are some legislators EVER going to recognize that CRIMINALS don't care give a rat about these 'so called' gun bills "for the safety of" they keep pushing?
The rhetoric about 'assault weapons', what a joke. A baseball bat is an assault weapon if it's used against someone. Drunken drivers are using vehicles as assault weapons, why aren't you banning vehicles? Even something so simple as a rock is an assault getting the idea?

The utter ignorance of some legislators demands to ban ammunition magazines over 10 rounds is another 'feel good' fallacy. I know it's been awhile since I sent this video link out before but here it is again for education! I believe if you watch it, you'll understand it!

Amazingly enough, this video was produced on March 1, 2013. And yet so many are still incapable of grasping the concept of magazine capacities relative to rounds fired? Here's the video link..

Some Legislators & main stream media keep screaming 'gun violence' but never seem to grasp the fact a gun was the tool used by an individual to create/cause the violence. Why is that? There's a few hundred million guns around the USA and they don't seem to be creating/causing violence. At least not until a human picks up that weapon and 'willfully decides' to use that weapon in a violent manner. The violence is from people, not the weapon used whatever it may be.

I see a couple of bills for 2022 heading down the road to 'solve' some issues that apparently haven't been an issue. At the very least, I haven't seen the MSM (main stream media) up in arms..oops, I mean rallying out to support the very issues the bills are purporting to solve. Maybe these bills are some of that 'pre-crime' issues I heard about in the movies?

One such bill is HB 1618 sponsored by Representatives Berg, Senn, Chapman, Ryu, Berry, Wicks, Bateman, Duerr, and Ramel.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 9.41 RCW to read as follows:
It is unlawful for a person to carry onto, or to possess in, a ballot counting center, a voting center, a student engagement hub, or the county elections and voter registration office, or areas of facilities while being used as a ballot counting center, a voting center, a student engagement hub, or the county elections and voter registration office:

Can anyone show/prove where this has been a problem that somehow demands this new bill to be introduced, much less allowed to proceed?

If the bill isn't already bad enough, it seeks to punish those law abiding individuals that possess a concealed weapons permit.

These concealed permit individuals are the very same that underwent a background check by a city/county/state authority that ISSUED THE LICENSE! So suddenly these individuals are a danger? I think not.

A person who violates subsection (1) of this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. If a person is convicted of a violation of subsection (1)(a) of this section, the person shall have his or her concealed pistol license, if any, revoked for a period of three years. Anyone convicted under subsection (1)(a) of this section is prohibited from applying for a concealed pistol license for a period of three years from the date of conviction. The court shall order the person to immediately surrender any concealed pistol license, and within three business days notify the department of licensing in writing of the required revocation of any concealed pistol license held by the person. Upon receipt of the notification by the court, the department of licensing shall determine if the person has a concealed pistol license. If the person does have a concealed pistol license, the department of licensing shall immediately notify the license-issuing authority which, upon receipt of the notification, shall immediately revoke the license.

Imagine, making a CRIMINAL out a law abiding citizen of this state that required them to undergo a criminal background check and then issued a permit to said individual! Where pray tell does the insanity end respective of this bill?

Whereas this bill is, at the very least, un-necessary and certainly not needed, it's a slap in the face to the taxpayers for the effort, time and expense of not only creating the bill but the time and expense of bringing it forward and wasting the legislatures time.

I envision this bill was produced with the concentrated efforts by the Alliance for Gun Responsibility which is an anti-2nd amendment/anti-gun organization.

I did get a laugh from this..

Rep. Javier Valdez, D-Seattle, sponsored that year's version, which originally banned magazines with more than 10 rounds. He'll be working to pass a version of the ban this year, if it passes the Senate, he said. "I think that is what our public would expect," he said.

I guess Mr. Valdez believes he speaks for the entire population of Washington State? From where I, and hundreds of thousands of others sit, NOPE!


Let's discuss HB 1705

Due to the aspects ascribed to in the bill, I'm forced to take the long road in addressing issues in the bill. But what the heck, the bills representatives (Representatives Berry, Valdez, and Ryu) wasted 15 pages of rhetoric in creating the bill.


AN ACT Relating to limiting ghost guns, including untraceable firearms and untraceable unfinished frames and receivers that can be used to manufacture or assemble untraceable firearms, with exceptions for licensed federal firearm manufacturers, dealers, and importers, and firearms that have been rendered permanently inoperable, are antiques, or were manufactured before 1968

NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that ghost guns are untraceable and unregulated firearms that lack a unique serial number that would allow them to be traced to a specific manufacturer, dealer, and purchaser. The absence of a serial number on ghost guns undermines the ability of law enforcement to identify individuals who have used such guns in the commission of a crime, which incentivizes the use of ghost guns in criminal acts, makes it easier for criminals to evade detection and employ lethal force, and endangers public safety.

Before I delve into this aspect of 'ghost guns', ask if it's less $ to buy a stolen gun vs building one.

Irrespective of who/whom a mfg is, the bill is basically asserting since there's no serial # attesting as to who/whom purchased the 'parts', the weapon is therefore untraceable. (IE: As in a registered FFL transfer record) Towards that end, it's true.
However, what the bill fails to address is wherein stolen weapons are untraceable since they are in fact, 'stolen'. It's a known fact stolen weapons can and do wind up far from where they were stolen from.
Just because law enforcement can, and/or is, able to locate/identify the owner of a registered weapon that was stolen pretty much relegates said weapon as untraceable.

Assertion in the bill…

The legislature further finds that ghost guns are often manufactured or assembled by unlicensed individuals who could not pass a background check and lawfully obtain a firearm, and that such individuals often purchase unfinished frames or receivers (also known as 80 percent receivers) and build-it-yourself ghost gun kits from unregulated online sellers, in retail stores, and at gun shows.

(Response to assertion)
"ghost guns are often manufactured or assembled by unlicensed individuals" Does anyone realize LAW ABIDING gun owners ALSO build 80% weapons?

"assembled by unlicensed individuals" I'm not aware of ANY law that requires ANYONE to licensed to 'assemble' a weapon. If it's there, show me. For those of us lawful gun owners that assemble/build our own weapons time & time again, why make us criminals?

Fact: No One is not required by law to be licensed to build an 80% weapon! Unknown who/whom the 'unregulated sellers' are that are referenced. Retail/private/gun show sellers are allowed BY LAW to sell 80% components.

Assertion in the bill…
Such kits typically contain all the parts, tools, and instructions needed to assemble a ghost gun, and are designed to enable untrained individuals to readily assemble ghost guns with common household tools in a matter of hours, regardless of whether that individual could lawfully purchase or obtain a firearm.

(Response to assertion)
I've yet to see an 80% kit that contains all the "tools" required to build an 80% weapon. Even more interesting is the $ cost to buy these 'kits' vs the cost to buy an illegal weapon on the street.

Assertion in the bill…
The legislature further finds the proliferation of ghost guns, ghost gun kits, and untraceable unfinished frames and receivers threatens public safety. Nationwide, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives reported that about 10,000 ghost guns were recovered in 2019. Between 2016 and 2020, more than 23,000 unserialized firearms were recovered by law enforcement from potential crime scenes, including 325 homicide or attempted homicide crime scenes.

(Response to assertion)
How, pray tell, do "untraceable unfinished frames & receivers" threaten public safety? They're lumps of plastic or aluminum. If a firearm is unfinished, it's NOT a firearm and there's no danger! BTW, I'd dearly love to see the data to verify the claims being asserted.

Assertion in the bill…
The legislature further finds the proliferation of ghost guns, ghost gun kits, and untraceable unfinished frames and receivers threatens public safety.

(Response to assertion)
I'm certain the bills' proponents/sponsors think this is so. "Untraceable unfinished frames and receivers" are threats to no one much less threats to public safety. Unless perhaps they are used like a rock and thrown in your direction.

Assertion in the bill…
Nationally, untraceable ghost guns have been used to perpetrate mass shootings, attack law enforcement officers, and commit robbery and assault.

(Response to assertion)
And the data to validate the assertion is where?

Assertion in the bill…
Nationwide, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives reported that about 10,000 ghost guns were recovered in 2019. Between 2016 and 2020, more than 23,000 unserialized firearms were recovered by law enforcement from potential crime scenes, including 325 homicide or attempted homicide crime scenes.

(Response to assertion)
I'm not finding the data but I'd certainly like to see it to be able to verify the assertion!

Assertion in the bill…
Nationally, untraceable ghost guns have been used to perpetrate mass shootings, attack law enforcement officers, and commit robbery and assault.

(Response to assertion)
I'm not finding the data but I'd certainly like to see it to be able to verify the assertion!

Assertion in the bill…
Ghost guns are becoming increasingly prevalent throughout the west coast and across the United States.

(Response to assertion)
That may be but does NOT correlate to meaning those weapons are used predominately in crime. More so as it's less expense to buy a stolen weapon on the street vs buying the parts to build a weapon.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 9.41 RCW to read as follows: (1) After September 10, 2022, no person may knowingly or recklessly possess, transport, or receive an unfinished frame or receiver, unless: (a) The party possessing, transporting, or receiving the unfinished frame or receiver is a federal firearms importer, federal firearms manufacturer, or federal firearms dealer; or (b) the unfinished frame or receiver has been imprinted with a serial number issued by a federal firearms importer, federal firearms manufacturer, or federal firearms dealer.

Really? And the untold of thousands already in existence are now what?
What is, "recklessly possess"?
And IF an "unfinished frame" is unfinished, then please describe how it falls under ANY law except this convoluted fiasco HB1705! Technically speaking, an unfinished frame/receiver may well be the material being removed from the earth to build the frame/receiver is it not?

I'm not going to venture into the rest of this ludicrous proposed bill revisions, one meaning 1, one hundred meaning 100 and on & on.

The essence of my letter to each of you is wherein 'some' legislators have apparently fallen off the edge of the earth with respect to having ANY common sense. If you, as a legislator, have any desire/compassion/respect to help this state succeed, then please vote against these two bills or hopefully get the sponsors to pull these bills.

As bad as these bills are, what's even worse is the utter lack of knowledge of firearms by the sponsors (Representatives Berry, Valdez, and Ryu) and anti-gun/anti 2nd Amendment sponsors of these bills.
I CON on all 3 HB as well. That ghost gun saying that huge numbers of ghost guns are used on the west coast. I tried to looking for some data but I could not find any. I did see some stories in liberal/socialists newspapers but I am convinced that there is no problem.
The "untraceable" nature of ghost guns is something that has me puzzled.

If a regular handgun has it's serial numbers obliterated, doesn't it become "untraceable"?

I realize filing off serial numbers is itself a criminal act but hey, if Loomis is contemplating armed robbery of a liquor store, I'm sure being in possession of an illegal gun is the least of his concerns.

In any event, I think the untraceable element is a red herring.

What these lawmakers are more concerned about is circling the wagons around their Extreme Risk Order framework. As far as I know, once someone enrolls into ERO, in addition to having their known guns confiscated, have their name in the database so they can't go buy another gun; since a ghost gun isn't a gun, voila, the enrollee just circumvented the ERO.

Never mind there are many other ways to acquire a gun without a BG check, the good must suffer for the imaginary bad.
Folks, THANK YOU for the support on this! Here are the final numbers from yesterday, and the "cons" (that's us!) prevailed, and this does help to send a message to the legislators on the committee.


Thank you so much! And we'll need to do this many more times, unfortunately.
Agreed. Even in our little world of NWFA and WaGuns, we should have THOUSANDS of people participating on these critical issues.
that's what I don't get , its really is not hard to give a vote or a signature in hopes to save a slice of freedom
kind of of like when 1639 came out and then the attempt to challenge it fell shot on signatures . Seems like the majority of
gun owners are to busy to be bothered. :s0054:
that's what I don't get , its really is not hard to give a vote or a signature in hopes to save a slice of freedom
kind of of like when 1639 came out and then the attempt to challenge it fell shot on signatures . Seems like the majority of
gun owners are to busy to be bothered. :s0054:
That's always the case and these same shirkers are the ones who wail the loudest when it bites them on the butt.:rolleyes:
Yes there is no excuse since the links were graciously provided and took just a few minutes to fill them out. I did research for HB1705. It would be nice if text of the bill would provide sources for their data.
Yes there is no excuse since the links were graciously provided and took just a few minutes to fill them out. I did research for HB1705. It would be nice if text of the bill would provide sources for their data.
If they put their sources in, the whole world would see how flimsy their arguments are. There is no rational basis for this bill. It is based on the ignorant fear of the political left and the politicians desire to pander to it.
You good people that are working hard to get the word out are AWESOME!!!

The only reason there aren't more people fighting this kind of overreaching government is they don't know its happening.

I'm a pretty average guy and the only place I see these kinds of warnings is here on NWFA.

I'm trying to figure out how to get the word out to more people.

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